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If you already are in possession of a valid Dutch residence permit for a purpose other than study, you do not have to apply for or change that permit to a Dutch study permit.

If you already have a valid Dutch residence permit (for family, partnership, work, etc.) that allows you to study, you do not have to apply for a Dutch residence permit for the purpose of study.

Please be aware, however, that the residence permit has to be valid until at least the first day of your study programme (1 September or 1 February, depending on in which semester you will start). If your current Dutch permit is not valid until the start of the degree programme, then you may incur a residence gap and need to apply for a study permit.

It is also the student’s own responsibility to keep their Dutch residence permit active throughout their studies. If a student loses the right to their own Dutch residence permit, you can always get in touch with the Immigration Office and we would be happy to send you an invitation to apply for a change of permit back to a study permit.

Students in possession of a Dutch residence permit for a purpose other than study must still submit an immigration application when they are invited in order to complete the residence permit part of their enrollment checklists. Once you receive an invitation from the Immigration office, you will be able to indicate in the application that you already have a Dutch permit, upload it, and then we will check it and complete your checklist item.

Important note: a Long-term/permanent EU Schengen residence permit only exempts you from applying for a Dutch residence permit for the purpose of study if the permanent EU Schengen permit was issued to you in the Netherlands. Any students holding permanent/long-term EU Schengen residence permits from another EU member state, that were not issued to you in the Netherlands, will need to apply for a Dutch residence permit for study. Please visit the IND website for more information.