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Starting in the second academic year after which you have been issued a residence permit with the purpose of study by the IND until the end of your studies, we will ask you to fill in an annual income statement form as a guarantee than you have sufficient income per academic year in order to continue your studies.

Disclosing your annual income is a legal requirement from the IND.

To that effect, we will send you an invitation link around October of every academic year to which you will have to reply by filling in the income statement and by uploading it into the MyInfo system.

Please note that if do not receive the completed form from by the deadline indicated in the invitation, the IND will be informed, which can lead to the revocation of your residence permit.

Important: submitting your income statement is a yearly requirement for every student that has a residence permit for the purpose of study. It is a different procedure from an extension procedure where the same document is required to be uploaded. In case extending your residence permit coincides with the yearly income statement procedure, you will have to upload it twice, once in your extension application and once in your income statement procedure.
