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On this page you can find several platforms that offer student accommodations in Amsterdam, including UvA student housing. Waiting times among these platforms differ greatly; please consult the list below for further information. In order to maximise the chance of securing housing, we highly recommend all students to apply to all platforms relevant to their housing needs.

Certified student housing platforms

The list below features certified student housing platforms with accommodations under their own management. Additionally, due to waiting times, these platforms are highly recommendable to students who are planning ahead or intend to stay for at least one year. is a waiting time-based platform; the waiting time for a room on average is around 2,5 - 3 years. It is beneficial for all incoming students to apply as soon as they have received a student number – please consult the ROOM registration page to apply directly and find additional information. Due to priority regulations for international students, this waiting time can be shortened. Please do note that these priority rooms are different from our regular rooms, so be sure to read the information on their page closely. is also a waiting time-based platform, with an average waiting time of 2,5 – 3 years. Please check the Studentenwoningweb registration page for more information on how to apply.

Student Experience

Creating an account is free of charge. You can then sign up for fully furnished studios that are allocated through a lottery system.


Offers self-contained apartment rooms at their location in Diemen with several additional amenities. Registration requires a fee of EUR 100,-, with an estimated waiting time of 12-14 months.


Offers short-stay rooms from October to June every year. The waiting time for these rooms is currently 2 years.

UvA student housing (limited availability)

The University of Amsterdam has agreements with several housing providers to reserve a limited number of accommodations for newly incoming international students. These rooms are strictly short-stay accommodations for a maximum of one academic year and minimum of one semester. Please consult our UvA student housing webpage for more information.

Other, third-party housing platforms

For a list of third-party housing platforms that offer housing solutions on potentially shorter notice, please consult our webpage with additional tips. That page also contains important information regarding scammers, legal help and recordings of our previous webinars on how to find housing in Amsterdam.