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Disclaimer UvA/AUAS Housing Service - May 2024

By signing our online housing application (by checking the box at the penultimate paragraph of the form), and by paying the UvA/AUAS Housing fee (at the final paragraph of the form), you claim to have read and understood all of our following terms and conditions:

  • Amsterdam is currently experiencing a severe housing crisis, especially for students. Participating in the UvA/AUAS Housing programme does not in any way guarantee you a room. At the end of the day, we can only provide about half of our applicants with a room.
  • The room contract is for a fixed period of time. Once you have signed your rental contract with one of our housing partners, you agree to the condition that you cannot extend or shorten the length of your stay.
  • Your room contract cannot be terminated during the term for which you have initially signed up (in principle, one or two semesters). In other words, you are obligated to pay rent for the entire rental period originally agreed upon.
  • You will only receive one housing offer.
  • There is a chance that your offer may not fall within the budget category you have selected. Additionally, you may be offered a different location than the one you had in mind.
  • Most of our housing locations are not in the city center, and may not be close to university buildings. Therefore, there is a substantial possibility that your room will not be centrally located, and that you will have to commute daily (max. 50 minutes one-way by public transportation).
  • If you choose public transportation as your daily means of travel, please keep in mind that fares in the Netherlands are quite expensive. A good (and common) alternative is cycling.
  • The UvA housing fee is non-refundable.
  • Aside from the housing fee, you will have to pay additional costs associated with renting a room through the UvA/AUAS housing service, namely the administrative fee, deposit, and rent imposed by the housing partner.
  • After renting a room for a maximum of one academic year through UvA/AUAS Housing, we can no longer offer you our housing services. You will have to find a room independently, as the UvA/AUAS cannot help you find a room after this period of time.

Privacy Statement

You agree that the information submitted through the housing application form will be used by the UvA/AUAS to offer our housing services. For this reason, the UvA/AUAS stores and shares this information with its housing partners. Our housing partners require your information to offer rooms from the reserved contingent of the UvA. In order to be able to establish whether you are still eligible for a room through the UvA's housing service, the UvA will save your data for a maximum of 3 years. The UvA/AUAS will also use this information to approach you to participate in research to improve our service.

PLEASE NOTE: If you DO NOT agree to the above terms and conditions, then you will NOT be able to participate in the UvA/AUAS Housing programme.