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Do you wish to follow a course at UvA Economics and Business, but aren't registered at this faculty? On this page you can read what to do.

First determine your situation:

  1. If you wish to follow a minor programme (30-60 EC), please go to Minor and register through the step-by-step guide.
  2. Are you an incoming Exchange student? Please contact the Exchange Office.
  3. Are you not enrolled at any university, then register for contract education (in Dutch).
  4. If you are a student at a different university, follow all the steps on this page.
  5. If you are a student at the UvA but from a different faculty, follow all the steps on this page but skip step 1.

Step 1: complete your enrolment as an elective student

If you are not a student at UvA Economics and Business you need to register as a guest student before you can register for courses. To enrol as a guest student, follow the instructions in the step by step guide. If you are a student at the UvA, you do not have to follow this step.

Step 2: determine whether the course is accessible for students from outside UvA Economics and Business

Because of a low capacity in certain courses, it is not possible to follow every course at UvA Economics and Business. Below you will find a list of the bachelor's and master's courses that are not accessible for students from outside UvA Economics and Business.

  • Bachelor's courses that are not accessible for students from outside UvA Economics and Business

    The following courses are not open for guest students:

    NB: If you are following a minor, you are allowed to follow the courses that are part of your minor programme.

    • First-year courses (catalogue code starts with 6011) of all Bachelor's programmes;
    • Second-year courses (catalogue code starts with 6012) of the Bachelor's Business Administration, ctuarial Science and Econometrics;
    • Third-year courses (catalogue code starts with 6013) of the Bachelor’s Actuarial Science and Econometrics;
    • Are you a Master’s student? Then you are not allowed to follow Bachelor’s courses as electives or minor courses. However, you can register for Bachelor’s courses through UvA Economics and Business Contractonderwijs (in Dutch).
  • Master's courses that are not accessible for students from outside UvA Economics and Business

    The following courses are not accessible for guest students:

    • Courses from the Master's programmes Accountancy & Control, Actuarial Science and Mathematical Finance, Business Administration, Econometrics, Entrepreneurship, Finance and Business in Society;
    • Are you a Bachelor’s student? Then you are not allowed to take Master’s courses as electives.

Step 3: register for courses

Below you can find the steps on how to register for courses at the UvA Economics and Business.

Determine whether the course has course-specific entry requirements

If the course does not have course-specific entry requirements, you can register for the courses using the instructions in the step by step guide to course registration

Are there course-specific entry requirements?

In order to be considered for a place in the class you must meet the entry requirements. However, if you do not meet the specific entry requirements of the course you would like to follow, but you do possess the same preliminary knowledge as a regular student of the study programme in question, you can submit a request for admission.  In this request you can indicate what similar classes you have followed in your own specific study programme.

  • Bachelor's courses

    Step 1: Fill out the digital form request for admission before the end of the course registration period. Indicate which course(s) you wish to follow and which seminar group you prefer. Explain in your request how you match the level required for the course(s) you want to follow.

    Step 2: Upload the documents that demonstrate that you are eligible to follow the courses of your choice. For instance, scans of certified grade lists of your results obtained at another institution, degree certificates (such as Bachelor's - or HBO-propedeuse certificates) and course descriptions of the courses you have obtained.

    In case your request has been approved by the course coordinator the Student Administration will register you for the course and inform you about this.

  • Master's courses

    To follow Master’s courses, you will have to submit a request that will be assessed by the programme director of the specific study programme. Below you can find the steps for submitting your request.

    • Step 1. Fill out the digital form request for admission before the end of the course registration period. Indicate which course(s) you wish to follow and which seminar group you prefer. Explain in your request how you match the level required for the course(s) you want to follow.
    • Step 2: Upload the documents that demonstrate that you are eligible to follow the courses of your choice. For instance, scans of certified grade lists of your results obtained at another institution, degree certificates (such as your Bachelor's degree) and course descriptions of the courses you have obtained.

    In case your request has been approved by the programme director the Student Administration will register you for the course and inform you about this.


You can ask questions using our online form.