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The University of Amsterdam is an eligible Title IV school, participating in the William D. Ford Federal Direct Loan Program (also known as FAFSA loans). If you have the American nationality and you are or will be a tuition fee paying student at the UvA, you can apply for a student loan under this program.
  • Applying for a US Federal Direct Loan at UvA

    On this page you will find instructions for starting your loan application, using your loan to pay for tuition fee or your visa application, and more.

    See this checklist for a quick overview of the application steps:

    And use the Student Loan Guide for general information about the various loans and using them at UvA.

    We advise you to read all the documents provided on this webpage before you start your loan application, since they hold important information before, during and after your loan period.

    How long does it take to apply for a US Direct Loan?

    A regular application takes about four weeks to complete. To guarantee that you will receive the loan funds on time for your visa or tuition fee (see below), please consider the following deadlines: 

    Deadlines for finalized applications 1st semester:

    • 1 August 2024 - Access to Financial Aid in September
    • 1 September 2024 - Access to Financial Aid in October
    • 1 November 2024 - Access to Financial Aid in December

    Deadlines for finalized applications 2nd semester:

    • 1 January 2025 - Access to Financial Aid in February
    • 1 February 2025 - Access to Financial Aid in March
    • 1 April 2025 - Access to Financial Aid in May

    Using your loan to pay for tuition fee

    If you take out a Federal Direct Loan, you should not pay tuition fee yourself, as the UvA will deduct your tuition fee from your loan amount. To do so, you need to complete both your loan application and your enrolment with UvA before 20 August.

    To complete the payment section of your enrolment:

    • If you have an IBAN: complete your enrolment with the UvA by authorizing the payment option of "Digital Authorisation" in Studielink.
    • If you do not have your IBAN yet: complete your enrolment with the UvA by selecting the option "Other method of payment" in Studielink and contacting the Financial Aid Office for further instructions, before 10 August.

    A completed loan application will override the option you have selected in Studielink.

    Using your loan to prove financial means during your visa application

    You can use your loan to demonstrate sufficient financial means during the application for your via / residence permit. Once you have completed your loan application with UvA, you will receive a letter that you can use for your visa application. We are aware of the deadline for your dossier and in good contact with the Immigration Office.

    How do I start my loan application?

    Before you can start your application, you need to complete your FAFSA form. Your US Direct Loan application with UvA starts by sending us a completed version of your US Direct Loan questionnaire. Please note that we are unable to receive any notifications after you've completed your FAFSA form.

    We recommend that you create a folder on your computer where you keep a version of all your US Loan documents, such as this questionnaire and the informative guides provided by the Financial Aid Office.

  • Important regulations and obligations during your loan period

    Programme Eligibility & Study Abroad or Internships

    Students with a Federal Direct Loan face restrictions in their options to study abroad, including research, field trips and internships. It is important to contact the Financial Aid Office before planning to undertake this kind of activity.

    If you do not contact the Financial Aid Office before undertaking an internship or study activity outside of the UvA or the Netherlands, you run the risk to lose your loan eligibility for the entire loan period and possibly beyond, including already received aid.

    Satisfactory Academic Progress

    Students applying for or receiving US Federal Aid (Subsidized, Unsubsidized and PLUS) must progress towards satisfactory completion of the study program at the UvA to remain eligible for Federal Financial Aid.

    You can find detailed information on this topic in the Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Policy.

    Thinking about withdrawing?

    If you have taken out loans and are considering withdrawing from your program, you will probably have to return (a portion) of the funds. Therefore, you need to contact the Financial Aid Office as soon as you know that you will withdraw.

    You can find detailed information on this topic in the Return of Title IV Funds (R2T4) Policy.

  • After my loan period

    Repayment of Federal Student Loans

    It is very important for you to understand that you will have to pay back your loans, what will happen if you do not pay them back on time, and what your choices are. We therefore strongly recommend that you read the ‘Default Prevention & Management Guide’, so that you are aware of the obligations you have when you have taken out a loan.

    Exit Counseling

    You are obliged to complete a Direct Loan Exit Counseling session after you have borrowed through the UvA. This session is designed to make you aware of your repayment responsibilities, familiarize you with your lender(s), give you examples of repayment schedules, and to answer any other questions you may have regarding your loan(s).

    Please complete the Federal Direct Exit Loan Counseling session at Exit Counseling - Federal Student Aid. For more information, please go Home - Federal Student Aid.

  • Important documents and contacts

    Recap of all documents mentioned above

    We recommend that you create a folder on your computer where you keep a version of all your US Loan documents, such as the questionnaire and the informative guides provided by the Financial Aid Office. They will answer most of your questions.

    Federal Student Aid website

    Any other questions on your US Direct Loan? Get in touch with the Financial Aid Office

    Jenny Fang (she/her)
    Manisha Kalloe (she/her)
    Tel.: +31 6 81 36 10 52