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The Graduate School of Humanities offers the Letje Lips Amsterdam Merit Scholarship for talented students from outside the EU/EEA.

Letje Lips Amsterdam Merit Scholarship (LLAMS)

The Letje Lips Amsterdam Merit Scholarship will be awarded to a student from a non-privileged background who wishes to use a Master’s programme at the Graduate School of Humanities to better themselves and who shows a passion for the development of a just, inclusive and multicultural world.

Deadline for applications: 15 January.

Horizon Fund

For: Master's students already studying at the Graduate School of Humanities.

The Faculty of Humanities encourages students to travel abroad and receive international exposure for academic purposes during their studies. Master's students studying at the Graduate School of Humanities can apply for a grant from the Horizon fund to finance their travels.

Other financial information

The Graduate School of Humanities does not offer or administer scholarships other than the LLAMS. There are many other funds and foundations available. We recommend you consult your study abroad office, the Dutch Embassy in your country of residence and: