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The UvA offers a range of programmes that not only allows students to study the subject of their choice in depth, but also provides the opportunity for a multidisciplinary approach.

Seven faculties 

Teaching and research at the UvA are offered through seven faculties. The Bachelor’s and Master’s programmes are administered by Colleges and Graduate Schools within the faculties.

The UvA actively cooperates with peer institutions to provide students with access to the best academic minds in their fields of interest.

Grading scheme

The University of Amsterdam has a grading scheme for use by lecturers. This grading scheme, which is attached below, is a supplement to degree certificates awarded by the UvA, and contains a list of foreign equivalents to Dutch grades.

The provided conversion scheme is suggested for broad orientation purposes only. For more information about Dutch grading culture as opposed to the grading culture in the US and the UK, please consult the Nuffic website.

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