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The University of Amsterdam and University of Edinburgh are proud to present the International Staff Week, which provides participants with the unique opportunity to visit two universities in two countries in one week.
University of Edinburgh

What to expect

The next International Staff Week (ISW) will be hosted by the University of Amsterdam and the University of Edinburgh in early 2025 (exact dates to be announced). The ISW aims to revolutionise international offices by providing innovative solutions for the dynamic world of study abroad. Participating in our fun and inspiring training week will invite you to leave your comfort zone, discover new mechanisms of student support, and help you navigate some of the modern challenges of student mobility. Our goal: to empower professional services staff working in the field of study abroad.

Structure of the International Staff Week

Starting in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, and proceeding midweek to Edinburgh, UK, the delegates will be immersed in an interactive learning environment enabling them to:

  • Attend workshops and seminars on topics such as international partnerships and collaborations, intercultural communication, and the role of international offices in designing study abroad programmes.
  • Panel discussions featuring staff and faculty from different universities and countries sharing their experiences and insights on international collaboration and student mobility.
  • Networking events and cultural activities that provide opportunities for staff from different universities and countries to connect and build relationships.

To get an idea about the structure of the International Staff Week 2025, please view the programme of the previous edition.

University of Amsterdam - photo: Monique Kooijmans


The costs to participate in the International Staff Week are €375. This includes participation in the programme, lunch throughout the week, except the Wednesday, and two evening dinners. Hotel costs and airfare are not included.

We are pleased to offer a tuition waiver to participants of U21 and LERU partner institutions.

Registration and requirements

  • The staff training week is open to all junior and senior staff members of our partner and prospective partner universities who work in the field of internationalisation and student experiences.
  • Unfortunately, we do not have enough capacity to accept those who work in other areas.
  • A maximum of 2 participants per university will be considered to ensure diversity of the group.
  • Attendance for the full programme is required.
  • If we receive more applications than spaces available, the University of Amsterdam and the University of Edinburgh will undertake a selection process and will ensure that the selected representatives are the best match for our staff week theme.

If you would like to stay informed about the International Staff Week 2025, please fill in the form below to be added to our mailing list.