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There are seven Dutch institutes abroad: St. Petersburg, Athens, Cairo, Florence, Rome, Ankara and Rabat. Together, they play a great part in promoting and representing the Dutch universities abroad. The institutes form a network of scientific centres with regards to education and research. Students and co-workers gather in a variety of different ways international experience; for example: by taking part in lectures and conducting research ‘in the field’. The presence of these institutes can also be a stimulant for students or researchers from the country, in which the institute is located, to go to The Netherlands as a student or scientific worker.

The Netherlands Institute in St.Petersburg (NIP)

The NIP represents the universities in various disciplines. This not only concerns Slavonic studies, Russian studies, Dutch studies and (Art) History, but also other disciplines (such as social sciences). The NIP has the following fields of interest:

  • Supporting and directly contributing to the education and research of the participating universities by offering study programs and courses and assisting (PhD-)students, amongst others.
  • Organising cultural and academic events which are aimed at a more general audience, directly spring forth from the research and educational activities of the institute.
  • Facilitating Dutch researchers and students by putting, amongst others, accommodation (if possible), libraries and computer facilities at their disposition, as well as mediating with authorities and government departments in order to make research in Russia possible.

The Netherlands Institute in Athens (NIA)

The Netherlands Institute of Athens (NIA) is one of the seventeen foreign 'archaeological schools' in Athens. Under the auspices of the institute, researchers and students from the Netherlands conduct archaeological research in Greece. The NIA is an inter-university scientific institute. It organises, provides and facilitates education and research projects in collaboration with universities and research centers in the Netherlands and Greece. It also has an extensive high-quality scientific network in both countries.

The Netherlands-Flemish Institute in Cairo (NVIC)

The Netherlands-Flemish Institute in Cairo (the NVIC) was founded in 1971. Eight universities in the Netherlands and Flanders participate in the institute with an aim to stimulating internationalisation of their teaching and research activities in the Middle East. The Netherlands-Flemish Institute in Cairo is an academic centre providing services for scholars and students from the supporting universities. The main focus of our activities has always been on the fields of Arabic & Islamic studies, Egyptology, Archaeology and Papyrology. Since 2012, the Institute has been widening its scope, and has defined three additional focus themes.

The Dutch University Institute for Art History in Florence (NIKI)

The Dutch University Institute for Art History (NIKI) promotes and facilitates research and education for students, researchers and lecturers of the participating Dutch universities and other universities. In cooperation with international university and museum partners, the NIKI develops interdisciplinary activities. We have built up internationally recognised and unique expertise in three areas of interest in the early modern period: Italian art, the artistic relations between the Netherlands and Italy and the history of drawing and printmaking. The NIKI is the only knowledge hub in the world that systematically maps out the artistic relations between the Netherlands and Italy. The NIKI is by no means reserved for art historians only, it is the ideal place for education, research and symposiums for students, lecturers and researchers from related disciplines and branches of science.

The Royal Netherlands Institute in Rome (KNIR)

The Royal Netherlands Institute Rome is the oldest and largest of the Dutch Scientific Institutes abroad. We serve as an important bridge between the Dutch and Italian academic community and the extensive international academic community present in Rome. The Royal Netherlands Institute Rome is the centre of an active, inspiring and challenging academic community. The academic staff, students and researchers in Rome are associated with a large group of fellow academics and alumni in the Netherlands, Italy and worldwide. What binds them is the common scientific interest in the wealth and diversity of the Mediterranean world, in particular Rome and Italy, from the Bronze Age to the present.

The Netherlands Institute in Turkey (NIT)

The Netherlands Institute in Turkey (NIT) is a research institute focused on historical and archaeological research. The Institute provides research facilities and stimulates collaboration between Turkish and Dutch authorities in the fields of scientific research and higher education. In addition to a library, the Institute also offers accommodation to guest researchers and students.

The Dutch Institute in Morocco (NIMAR)

The Dutch Institute in Morocco (NIMAR) aims to promote collaboration and exchange in higher education, and scientific research between the Netherlands and Morocco. The most important goals of the NIMAR include offering study programmes, (e.g. for students of Arabic studies and social sciences), mediating internships, setting up research programmes, supporting researchers from the Netherlands and Morocco, and promoting Dutch higher education.