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Medieval history covers the millennium between the fifth and the sixteenth centuries. At the UvA we specialise in the study of the societies and cultures of the later Middle Ages in the Low Countries and western Europe, the Baltic, the Mediterranean and the Black Sea, North Africa and the Middle East. Our research and teaching focus on trade and conflict-management, state-building and court culture, crime and punishment, slavery, political ideas, and Afro-Eurasian connections.


Dr J.M.C. (Josephine) van den Bent

Faculty of Humanities


Dr. F.W.G.W. (Frans) Camphuijsen

Faculty of Humanities


Dr. M.J.M. (Mario) Damen

Faculty of Humanities


Prof. dr. S. (Serena) Ferente

Faculty of Humanities


Dr. N.P.D.W. (Nathan) van Kleij

Faculty of Humanities


Dr. J.J. (Justyna) Wubs-Mrozewicz

Faculty of Humanities


PhD candidates / postdocs

E. (Ester) Zoomer MA

Faculty of Humanities
