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What do the budget cuts mean for the UvA?

On Prinsjesdag (16 September 2024), it became clear that the government truly intends to significantly cut spending on higher education. In the coming weeks, we will calculate the impact this has on the UvA and incorporate that into the budget for 2025. This budget will be made public on the UvA website on 9 October.

  • What do we know, and what do we not know?
    • The government will stop the incentive scholarships and starter scholarships as of January 1, 2025. This amounts to a total of €335 million per year.
    • Minister Bruins is cutting an additional €500 million from education, of which approximately €65 million will affect universities. Budgets for Open Science and the Dutch Research Council (NWO) will also be reduced. This cut will take effect on January 1, 2025.
    • The budget cut for international education is not yet fully decided. Minister Bruins still wants to discuss this with students, staff, and institutions but has announced the cut starting in 2026. This will cost universities and colleges a total of €293 million.
    • The plans for the long-term study fine and the cancellation of the growth fund (€200 million) will proceed. For the long-term study fine, Minister Bruins still wants to examine feasibility and ways to discourage prolonged studies, but the reduction will remain in place.
  • What are the next steps in the process?

    In the coming weeks, during the annual budget process, it will become clearer what the concrete impact is of the budget cuts. The draft budget will be discussed with deans and directors, as well as with the participatory bodies (students and staff).

    On 9 October, the draft budget will also be presented for consultation to the entire academic community via At that time, it will become clear what the estimated budget cuts will be for each faculty, staff, and department.

  • Explainer videos
    Explainer video about the budget cuts in higher education
    Explainer video with information about the Coalition Agreement
Make your voice heard in The Hague!
The government's budget cut proposal still needs to be approved by both the House of Representatives and the Senate. This means that there is still a possibility that certain aspects of the budget cuts may be altered. Therefore, it is important for everyone to make their voice heard in The Hague! How?