Former Minister of Education, Culture and Science Robbert Dijkgraaf returns to UvA
19 March 2025
The world is facing immense challenges and geopolitical tensions are increasing. This calls for more brainpower and solutions from academia than ever before. But the free practice of research is increasingly coming under pressure worldwide and the gap between science and society seems to be increasing. This is the reason for the new chair Science and Society from an International Perspective.
As a university professor at the UvA, Dijkgraaf wants to help shape connections to bring science and society closer together – within the Netherlands, but especially internationally. This ties in with his plans in the field of science diplomacy at the ISC, the most prominent organisation representing science worldwide. The ISC works at a global level to catalyse and bring together scientific expertise, advice and influence on issues that are of great importance to both science and society.
Dijkgraaf will give lectures and classes and initiate new activities. He also wants to supervise students and PhD candidates again, in order to maintain connections with daily scientific practice and his fields of expertise: mathematics and physics.
‘Robbert Dijkgraaf has a long history at the UvA. When he became Minister of Education, Culture and Science, we had to say goodbye to him and that hurt. We are therefore extremely happy that we can now welcome Robbert back, and in a new role,’ says rector magnificus Peter-Paul Verbeek. ‘The new chair fits him like a glove, because there is no greater ambassador for science in the Netherlands than Robbert. As a top researcher with a great international reputation, and with all his experience at the UvA, the KNAW, the IAS and the ministry, he has everything it takes to play a significant role for the UvA and internationally in bringing science and society together.’
Dijkgraaf himself says: 'It is a great pleasure to return following my 'political leave' to the university I have been affiliated with since 1992. With all its expertise, the UvA is at the heart of society and is the perfect home base for me to commit myself to the full scope of science and its possibilities for the public good.'
Dijkgraaf studied Theoretical Physics at Utrecht University and obtained his PhD cum laude under the supervision of Nobel Prize winner Gerard 't Hooft. He then left for the United States to work as a researcher at Princeton University. In 1992, he was appointed professor of Mathematical Physics at the UvA, and from 2005 to 2022 he was university professor at the UvA with a focus on theoretical physics. At the same time, Dijkgraaf was successively president of the KNAW (2008-2012) and director and Leon Levy professor at the Institute for Advanced Study (IAS) in Princeton (2012-2022). From 2022 to 2024, he served as Minister of Education, Culture and Science in the Rutte IV cabinet.