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The UvA is investing substantially in education and research in the coming years. At the same time, the focus is on rising costs due to persistently high inflation. This is laid down in the 2023 draft budget that was adopted by the Executive Board (CvB) on 4 October. In this news item, you can read what the main points of the budget are and also how you can submit a response to it.


Last summer, the Administrative Agreement 2022 on Higher Education and Science was concluded. This fulfilled the agreements in the coalition agreement that more money will go to education and research. Thanks to these extra resources, UvA's income will increase by almost 11% in 2023 compared to the 2022 budget. The extra income from the government grant is available for:

  • Sector plans (sectorplannen)
  • start-up grants (startersbeurzen) for beginning assistant professors (university lecturers) and
  • incentive grants (stimuleringsbeurzen) for other academics and scientists.

The allocation of these funds gives the UvA room to focus more on:

  • reducing the workload e.g. by recruiting additional colleagues
  • the ambitions in the Strategic Plan
  • the Faculty Strategic Plans


Alongside this positive development, there are also developments with an impact on UvA's expenses. High inflation affects UvA's institutes and people. The budget has worked out how to minimise the pressure of energy prices and the other effects of inflation on faculties and other units in 2023. For later years, the budget has been prepared under the expectation that adverse effects of inflation will be fully compensated by the central government and principals.


For the UvA as a whole, there is a multi-year zero result. Choices will be made for this before the final budget is adopted. In addition to the UvA budget and the draft budget of the units, the draft budget also contains other information, including the Housing Plan Update and the draft Multi-Year Implementation Plan (MJUP) / ICT project portfolio 2023. Investments in education and research are accompanied by additional investments in housing and ICT. For housing, inflation also leads to higher costs, which can be absorbed within the budget. For ICT, the digital agenda leads to an increased need for investments. It therefore provides insight into how all plans and ambitions fit within the financial frameworks described in the Framework Letter 2023.

Submit a response to the draft budget

You too can contribute your thoughts and join the discussion on the draft budget. The Executive Board welcomes responses to the 2023 draft budget from both staff and students. Please feel free to submit questions and comments by sending an email to The feedback period will run until 25 October 2022.

Approval from representative advisory bodies

Questions and comments submitted by staff and students will be forwarded to the Central Works Council and the Central Student Council. Once the feedback period is over, the feedback will be compiled, commented on and submitted to the representative advisory bodies. The approval period and the consultation period for the central representative advisory bodies will run until 28 November 2022. The consultation period for the decentralised representative advisory bodies will run until 14 November 2022.

Budget to be finalized in December 2022

Upon approval of the main outline of the budget by the central representative advisory bodies, the final draft of the 2023 budget will be drawn up in December this year. If all goes according to plan, the Supervisory Board will approve the budget at its meeting on 15 December 2022. The final budget will be published on the UvA website.