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On 6 February 2023, a major earthquake occurred in Turkiye and Syria. According to the WHO, it was the worst natural disaster in the European region of the century. The affected area is as large as the distance between Amsterdam and Paris and more than 50,000 people lost their lives.
Event details of Commemoration of the Earthquake in Turkiye and Syria
8 February 2025
13:00 -15:30

After two years, the situation has barely improved and the survivors are living in poor conditions. The situation over there also continues to affect our students and employees with roots in the area. Together we will create space for the shared grief and to look towards the future.

During the commemoration, it will be possible to donate money. The donations will go to children in vulnerable positions, for example in supporting their educational opportunities.


  • 12:45 – 13:00         Walk-in
  • 13:00 – 13:10         Word of welcome
  • 13:10 – 13:11         Minute of silence
  • 13:12 – 15:00         Panel discussion with speakers from Oxfam, solidarity, VNGi, TAAKB and Architectural Recovery Team: What were the successes and lessons? What is needed to start sustainable projects?
  • 15:00 – 15:30         Post-event chat with the possibility to donate

Please note: make sure to arrive on time, during the minute of silence we do not allow people to enter.


Room Doelenzaal
Singel 425
1012 WP Amsterdam