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This year's UvA Education Day will take place on 22 October 2024 and is dedicated to 'Connectedness in education'. Take part this year and learn all about this theme, with Toni Pape as your chair of the day. For the theme, think about connectedness in academic transitions such as the influences of hybrid learning, AI and international classroom. How do we stay connected to each other, to your colleagues, to your students and to yourself? Mark 22 October in your calendar and take part in inspiring keynotes and workshops on the upcoming education day.
Event details of UvA Education Day 2024: Connectedness in education
22 October 2024
12:00 -17:00
Stay up-to-date

You can register here online for the UvA Education Day 2024 from September 2024. Choose Keep me informed below if you want to be kept up to date about this day. You will be notified as soon as more has been announced. Also see for more information.

Will you be sharing your workshop at UvA Education Day? 
To make this day a success, we are looking for colleagues from all faculties who would like to organize a connecting workshop during the education day. Are you stimulated by the theme Connectedness in education related to academic transitions? And do you have an idea for filling in and organizing a workshop in line with it? Let us know what you are thinking of no later than 26 April by this form. Creative ideas and 'out of the box' working methods are most welcome! A workshop may be as long as 90 minutes. 

More about the UvA Education Day 
Visit if you want to read more about the UvA Education Day 2024. At you can find more information about the purpose of the UvA Education Day in general and previous Education Days. 

The UvA Education Day is organized by TLC Central in collaboration with the TLC Network.