By means of several case studies, the members of the Programme Committees (PC's) will be made familiar with their role in decision-making, their task, legal rights and important position in the quality culture of the university. With regard to the latter, the focus will be on the importance of the subject-transcending issues and the 'broad framework'.
In addition, in the second session ample attention will be paid to the PC's right to information. What information is available to them and how can this information be collect and interpreted. The PC members will be familiarized with the different feedback tools that they have at their disposal to carry out their work, and on the basis of a case study, the way in which this information can be handled will be put into practice.
Course Part 1 | Role of the PC and quality assurance:
Thursday 19 October 2023 15:30 - 17:00
Course Part 2 | Right to information and feedback tools:
Thursday 23 November 2023 15:30 - 17:00