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You can dust off your running shoes again! On Sunday 18 September we’re running the 10EM (16.1 kilometer) of the Damloop – from Amsterdam to Zaandam, straight through the IJ-tunnel. As a student or employee you can join the UvA Damloop team!
Event details of Dam tot Damloop 2022
18 September 2022
10:19 -17:00

The registration is open! So run to the USC website and score your ticket, team shirt and acces to our very own afterparty including drinks. To prepare for the run you can join free training sessions by our running coach Frank Aarts. What are you waiting for?


Joining Team UvA costs €25,- for students and €35,- for employees.

Competition team

Of course we’re also bringing together a competition team again, with both UvA and AUAS runners. Are you seriously fast (men around 60 minutes, women around 70 minutes)? Contact USC at Joining the competition team is free of costs.