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UvA Pride invites you to the exchange session with the Malaysian LGBTQ+ activist Numan Afifi.
Event details of Meet Malaysian LGBTQ+ activist Numan Afifi for an exchange session
21 June 2022
17:00 -19:00

On the 21st of June from 17.00-19.00, you can meet the Malaysian LGBTQ+ activist Numan Afifi for an exchange session at UvA. Numan (30) is the founder and president of the community-run organisation JEJAKA (young man), an advocacy group for gay, bisexual and queer men in Malaysia with an aim of providing a safe space for self-acceptance and peer support. The organisation helps build the capacity of the LGBTIQ+ community in Malaysia through digital security trainings, workshops, as well as career mentoring and life skills development.

It also advocates on human rights through media monitoring, case reporting and documentations, as well as fundraising for strategic litigation and bail sureties. Numan is also the founder of the LGBTIQ+ campaign, PELANGI (Rainbow). Unfortunately, discrimination against the LGBTIQ+ community remains pervasive in Malaysia, as to date federal and state laws still criminalise same-sex relations and non-normative gender expression.

Most recently, the authorities have proposed a range of changes to regulations that, if passed, would negatively impact LGBTIQ+ persons. These include harsher sentencing for same-sex relations and gender expression. Additionally, the government continues its widespread crackdown of critical speech through the prosecution of human rights defenders under the Sedition Act and the Communications and Multimedia Act.

As an outspoken figure and activist for the LGBTIQ+ community in Malaysia, Numan himself has been the subject of repeated police interrogation and numerous investigations by local and religious authorities. He has also previously received threats from politically motivated groups concerning his advocacy work. In the session on the 21st of June, Numan will share his experiences with you and you can ask him questions or engage in a discussion. Afterwards, we will host informal drinks to close the event.


Roeterseiland Campus (room will be announced).