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Last update: Friday, 6 September, 16:00. On 6 September, demonstrators once again expressed their anger and frustration over the situation in Gaza and Israel. Thanks to everyone involved, the demonstration at the Roeterseiland Campus went smoothly. The protest then moved towards the Maagdenhuis in the city center of Amsterdam.

Everyone at the UvA is free to demonstrate and make their voice heard; this is part of the university's values. However, the basic principle is that demonstrations should remain peaceful and that the campus should remain socially and physically safe for everyone on and around the campus.

Below are updates on the course of the demonstration. The overview can also be found via the linktree.

Update Friday, 6 September, 13:45

The exits on the canal side of the REC are temporarily closed to prevent students and staff from getting caught up in the crowds of the demonstration. Other exits remain open.

Update Friday, 6 September, 14:00

A few hundred demonstrators are gathering at the Roeterseiland Campus (REC) for protests and speeches.

Update Friday, 6 September, 16:00

The demonstration is moving towards the Maagdenhuis in the city center of Amsterdam. Thanks to the organizers, UvA security, and everyone else involved, the demonstration at the Roeterseiland Campus went smoothly.