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The UvA principles and frameworks for the digital agenda are intended to provide support and direction in making choices in the realisation of the digital agenda. Principles and frameworks are guiding in both the elaboration of new initiatives and in the decision-making process. They prevent discussions from being held over and over again. It is a guideline in shaping the digitisation at the UvA.


Principles give direction to what we do and why we do things. They say something about what the UvA stands for when it comes to digitisation. There is no hierarchy in the principles. The context of the issue determines which principles are deployed to set the direction. When making choices, several principles may also need to be 'weighed' against each other. Making such a dilemma transparent enhances the quality of the choice. 


The principles and frameworks are

  • openly available and accessible to everyone within the UvA;
  • simple and concise (for more information they refer to underlying documents);
  • applicable to all domains and themes;
  • reflect practice and are not set in stone.

Further details on principles and frameworks for digitisation are only available in Dutch. If you have any questions in this regard, please do contact us.

Contact information

If you have questions about principles and frameworks for digitisation, please contact the following contacts for each domain:

Do you have other questions about the digital agenda? Please send an email to