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What are the values that identify the University of Amsterdam (UvA)? What should be our strategic course and what does the future of the university as a whole look like? These questions form the starting point for the UvA’s University Forum. As of 2024, the Forum has been revamped. To increase the forum’s reach and impact, its structure has been changed and the number of participants significantly expanded. Over the next two years, discussion evenings will be organised twice a year to discuss subjects that are relevant to the broad UvA community.
Photo: Maartje Strijbis
Photo: Maartje Strijbis

As of 1 September the University Forum is chaired by Tamar de Waal. Her appointment is for a period of two years. De Waal is a legal philosopher, associate professor of Legal Theory and director of the Amsterdam Honours College of Law at the Faculty of Law.

Agenda committee

The subjects to be discussed at the meetings of the University Forum will be determined in collaboration with an independent agenda committee (consisting of the CSR, COR, UCO, UOC and student assessor, etc.). Its members will choose a theme that is relevant to both students and employees.


The University Forum was established following a recommendation from the Democratisation & Decentralisation Committee to set up a ‘broad-based deliberative forum’. After an evaluation of the forum’s first few years (2018-2023) the Executive Board decided that the University Forum will continue - in an adapted form.