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Marise Voskens has been the chair of the Supervisory Board of the University of Amsterdam since 26 August 2016. She was reappointed in 2020 by the Minister of Education, Culture and Science until 26 August 2024.
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Marise Voskens (1955) studied Law in Leiden, Business Studies at the London Business School and later followed executive management and leadership programmes at INSEAD and IMEDE.

She has extensive experience in the international business world and has worked in commercial and management positions, including at ABN Amro and Rabobank. In 2003 she chose to become a judge, first in Haarlem and since 2007 in Amsterdam. She was deputy chair of the Dutch national disciplinary chamber for bailiffs. Since the early 1980s she has been active in a number of social and cultural organisations in Amsterdam. In addition, she is chair of the Supervisory Board of VPRO, a Dutch public broadcasting corporation.

Other activities

  • Supervisory Board chair, VPRO
  • Supervisory Board chair, Fondation Constant foundation
  • Board chair, Bestuur Museumvereniging
  • Board chair, stichting Museumkaart
  • Supervisory Board chair, Kenniscentrum Kinderpalliatieve Zorg foundation
  • Supervisory Board chair, VPRO-HUMAN
  • Supervisory Board chair, Gelijkspel foundation
  • Supervisory Board chair, Flamenco Biënnale foundation
  • Supervisory Board chair, Vocaal Talent Nederland/Nationale Jeugdkoren foundation
  • Advisory Board chair, Sickel Cell foundation
  • Jury chair, Johannes Vermeer Prijs