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Jolande Sap has been the chair of the Supervisory Board of the University of Amsterdam since 26 August 2024. She was appointed by the Minister of Education, Culture and Science for a period of four years.
Jolande Sap
Photo: Gregor Servais

Jolande Sap (1963) is, among other things, a member of the board of the Dutch Emissions Authority, a commissioner at KPN and Renewi, and a member of the board of the non-profit organisation Impact Economy Foundation. Sustainability is a common thread running through Sap's career.

For example, she was a director of the National Green Fund and Supervisory Board chairperson at Fairfood. From 2010 to 2012, she was party leader of GroenLinks in the Dutch House of Representatives. She also previously worked at the Emancipation Council, the Dutch Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment, and LEEFtijd consultancy firm. Sap studied Economic Sciences at Tilburg University and conducted research at the UvA.

Other activities

  • Member Curatorium VNO-NCW
  • Board member Impact Economy Foundation
  • Member and rotating board chair Nederlandse Emissieautoriteit
  • Member Strategische Adviesraad TNO Energie- en Materialen Transitie
  • Non-executive director Renewi, Commissioner Renewi NL
  • Chair Nationaal Preventieakkoord smoking
  • Member/chair Supervisory Board Springtij Forum
  • Member Supervisory Board Koninklijke KPN N.V.