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The Programme Committee (PC) is a representative advisory body in which students and lecturers discuss the quality of education at the level of the individual study programme or cluster of study programmes. In that capacity, the PC advises on the design of the curriculum, quality assurance, and policy choices.

The PC performs its task by reviewing the Teaching and Examination Regulations (TER) and its implementation and by issuing (unsolicited) advice to the programme director and the dean on all education-related matters for the relevant study programme.

It is important to University of Amsterdam that the programme committees are able to perform this valuable function. The Guide for Programme Committees offers more information about the duties and functions of the PCs and provides practical advice.

Workshops for programme committee members

The UvA also offers workshops that programme committee members can follow for further professionalisation. You can find the central workshop offerings on this webpage (if available). In addition, you can also consult the website of your faculty and programme for further information and the local professionalisation options