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The cooperating trade unions (UCLO) and the Central Works Council (COR) at the UvA observe that much has improved with regard to lecturer appointments. For instance, all lecturers have hours for professionalisation; larger appointments are the norm and a sizeable group of lecturers has been given permanent D3 appointments. But in some programmes, there are still lecturers for whom better arrangements need to be made.  

Different definitions of generosity

In their recent tripartite consultations with the Executive Board, COR and UCLO expressed concern that the new UvA policy is sometimes reluctantly applied within the faculties and that different definitions of generosity are used when it comes to the advancement of lecturers to a permanent position of D3 or higher. It is precisely this generosity and the focus on recognition, appreciation and career opportunities for lecturers that underpin the Outline Memorandum (Contourennota). Many lecturers perform D3 tasks besides D4 duties to their and their superiors full satisfaction and can no longer be considered as juniors. In their consultations, COR and UCLO strongly emphasised that when those duties are structural a structural, permanent appointment should go with it.  This should also be the case when they only concern (parts of) courses in the Bachelor programme. Good and well-motivated lecturers are of the utmost importance for the university!

COR appeal: Does your contract comply with the new policy, where are the possible problems, how generously have the new rules been applied? The COR would like to hear about your experiences. Mail to Naturally, these experiences will remain strictly confidential.