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On 1 June 2022, the new policy for teachers was introduced, as described in detail in the previous newsletter of the Central Works Council (COR) (  

A lot of effort from the human resources departments, faculties, business managers, departments and programmes, has now resulted in that the expiring teachers' contracts and new contracts have been brought in line with the new policy. In the coming months, all existing contracts for lecturers will be reviewed. Every lecturer can ask for a discussion about this. Also, as announced, a Lecturer Policy Committee has been set up. Official objections can only be settled there if consultation with supervisor, programme, and dean did not yield anything.

Share your experience with the Central Works Council  

The same collaboration between the Executive Board (CvB), the University Committee for Local Consultation (UCLO) and the COR that led to the Memorandum on Teacher Policy will continue in the coming month, this will include an evaluation of the implementation and experiences of teachers.   

In preparation for the consultation with the Executive Board and the UCLO, the COR is very curious about the experiences of lecturers who have been given a (re)new(ed) contract. Does the contract comply with the new policy? What are the obstacles? How generously are the new rules applied? The COR would like to hear about your experiences. Mail to Naturally, these experiences will be treated strictly confidentially.