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The Central Works Council (COR) is very pleased with the work of ombudsperson Samera Ouchene. So much is clear after a meeting between the COR en Samera Ouchene held on 31 March 2023. During this meeting, the most recent figures on the number of reports received by the ombudsperson were discussed.

The ombudspersons efforts represent an invaluable contribution to the climate of social safety at our university. The fact that more incidents are reported to the ombudsperson’s office is a sign that academic community recognizes and acknowledges the ombudspersons usefulness and value.  It is notable that relatively more reports were received in 2022 from some UvA components, ACTA (with respect to UvA employees), AUC and Student Services. For the first time, also a report is qualified as a career obstruction in the UvA Ombudspersons report. The COR has advocated several times in the past for the inclusion of the concept of career obstruction in the House of Social Safety as a possible consequence of socially unsafe behavior (COR 21u08).

At the same time, the follow-up of some reports remain a concern. It is up to line managers to ensure that that happens. Sometimes there is a lack of prioritization of sufficient knowledge or skills to ensure proper follow-up. Coordination between confidential counsellors and the ombudsperson remains important.

It also remains worrying that a large majority of the reports come from women and from students and staff with an international background. In her report, the ombudsperson pays extra attention to three vulnerable groups of staff: PhD students, students and staff with disabilities and international students and staff - the COR recognizes that these groups are particularly vulnerable to social unsafety and therefore wholeheartedly supports the ombuds officers' recommendations.

The COR therefore continues to urge the University of Amsterdam to continue their investment in actions that noticeably improve social safety for employees and students, in general and specifically for these vulnerable groups. The COR also advocates that deans and human resources staff continue to recognize social unsafety and refer cases when necessary. The COR is pleased to see that it has the Executive Board on its side in this regard.