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In recent years the COR has worked intensively to achieve more permanent contracts for lecturers. Just like the action group Casual Amsterdam, which was demonstrating outside the Maagdenhuis last Friday, the COR wants more lecturers to be given a permanent position. It also wants to improve the career prospects of both temporary and permanent lecturers and to have a uniform policy on this across all faculties wherever possible.

Three objectives for lecturer policy

The COR is arguing for more permanent contracts for structural tasks, as it is beneficial for the quality of teaching if lecturers can commit to teaching tasks for a longer period. The COR also wants lecturers to be offered career prospects that do justice to their needs and desires. Moreover, wherever possible this policy should be uniform across all faculties, because UvA staff have the same rights.

What now?

The COR expresses its hope that a progressive lecturer policy will be arrived at. Given the urgency of the problem, the COR and the University Local Consultative Committee (UCLO) had already decided to jointly approach the Executive Board. The UCLO is the consultative body between the Executive Board and the representative employee organisations. We hope to reach an agreement before the summer.

The COR experiences the actions by Casual Amsterdam as a support in these consultations. Further support came in the form of an analysis of the problems of lecturers by the Works Council of the Faculty of Humanities. This analysis will be presented to the Executive Board this week.