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Our research contributes to solving societal challenges. It is therefore important to make our scientific knowledge accessible to a wider audience, to bridge the gap between our academic world and society. There are various target groups that we want to inform and inspire, such as teachers and pupils. We also want to engage into dialogue and share our knowledge with companies, consortia and (government) organisations.

Pupils and teachers

FNWI has an outreach programme aimed at teachers and children from primary and secondary education, who we want to interest and inspire. We have school programmes and workshops in the field of mathematics, physics, chemistry and technology. We also organise presentations and lectures, for example kids' lectures in the Nemo Science Museum. In addition, we have annual activities for young and old, such as guided tours and podcasts. Want to know what we can do for schools and teachers? Then take a look at Betapartners.

Companies and organisations

Universities, companies and organisations need each other to develop knowledge and convert knowledge into products. We would like to involve companies and organisations in our research, because the research of our scientists can be used to solve social challenges.

Do you want to know more about collaborating with the Faculty of Science? Visit our collaboration page.