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Educational projects that challenge students to focus on societal contexts of Biomedical Sciences. This new part of the Bachelor’s programme Biomedical Sciences started three years ago and has become essential. First-year students work on assignments that show them how biomedical sciences are at the centre of society. These projects have a focus on acquiring 21th century skills and include visualising concepts for a wide audience.

Examples of projects are:

  • Graphical abstract: convert a textual abstract into a graphical abstract
  • Infographic: visualise the practical DNA analysis for a wide audience
  • App description: incorporate applications of artificial intelligence within the Biomedical Sciences into an app description
  • Information document Heart Foundation (Hartstichting): create an information document about a self-selected genetic heart defect for the Heart Foundation
  • Ranking the Rats: reviewing research proposals that use laboratory animals
  • Secret behind Pfizer mRNA vaccine: question-based resolution of the underlying biological and immunological workings of Pfizer's corona mRNA vaccine

These educational projects conclude annually with the ‘Perspectives on Biomedical Science’-Day at Science Park, when students present their project to one another.