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The executive management of the Faculty is administered by the Faculty Board. The Faculty Board is composed of the Dean, the Director of the College of Humanities, the Director of the Graduate School of Humanities, the Faculty research director, the Director of operational management, and a member of the student body. The Dean is exclusively responsible for the management and administration of the Faculty, and is supported by the Faculty Board during decision-making processes.
Prof. dr. M. (Marieke) de Goede

Dean | room 1.11

Prof. dr. J.J. (Julia) Noordegraaf

Faculty research director Amsterdam Institute for Humanities Research | room 1.18

Dr. C.W.C. (Carlos) Reijnen

Director College of Humanities | room 1.16

Dr. S.M.E. (Sabine) van Wesemael

Director Graduate School of Humanities | room 1.17

A.F.E. (Anne) van de Graaf

Director of operational management | room 1.13

Student member

Iris Bouw
room 1.06

Mr. drs. M.J. (Marian) Wilts

Executive Secretary to the Faculty Board | room 1.15

Secretariat Faculty Board

T: +31 20 525 3068
Faculty Board:


BG 3

Binnengasthuisstraat 9
1012 ZA Amsterdam