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Every year, the Faculty of Humanities awards an Education Award to a course that is innovative or uses inspiring educational methods.


All staff and students of the Faculty of Humanities were invited to nominate a course for the Education Award 2024. Six courses were nominated and the lecturers tell more about their course below.

You can vote for the Audience Award and register for the award ceremony on Thursday 27 June from 17:00 at VOX-POP.

Critique(s) of Violence - Daniel Loick
Critique(s) of Violence - Daniel Loick
Fashion, Culture and Media - Marie-Aude Baronian
Fashion, Culture and Media - Marie-Aude Baronian
Islamic Esotericism and its Medieval Legacies - Liana Saif
Islamic Esotericism and its Medieval Legacies - Liana Saif
Literatuur, Landschap en Ecologie - Marrigje Paijmans en Feike Dietz
Literatuur, Landschap en Ecologie - Marrigje Paijmans en Feike Dietz
Authors in Focus: Contemporary American Writers - Marc Farrant
Authors in Focus: Contemporary American Writers - Marc Farrant
Historical Sources - Shana Zaia and Konstantin Klein
Historical Sources - Shana Zaia and Konstantin Klein