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Good and inspiring education is of great importance to the UvA. That is why we present UvA Education Awards to exceptional teachers and a courses, education projects or -teams that contribute to good and inspiring education.

Nominate direct!

Four themes

There are four UvA Education Awards, which are thematically inspired by the UvA Institution Plan, the UvA Vision on Teaching & Learning and the theme of the UvA Education Day 2024.

  • Student Activating Teaching

    Award for a teacher | The UvA considers it important to offer activating education with a high level of student engagement (Strategic Plan, p.5). Therefore, all faculties focus on activating teaching methods (Vision on Teaching and Learning, p.6), and the UvA aims to continue providing space for rich, small-scale learning environments to offer students high-quality education (Vision on Teaching and Learning, p.6). 

  • Inclusive Teaching

    Award for a teacher | Based on the Strategic Agenda for Higher Education and Research of the Ministry of Education, Culture, and Science, the UvA focuses on ensuring that education aligns well with the diversity in backgrounds and talents of its students (Vision on Teaching and Learning, p.6). Broad accessibility and equal opportunities in education are crucial in this regard (Strategic Plan, p.5). Active efforts are required to promote diversity, inclusivity, and equality to attract, retain, and educate talents (Strategic Plan, p.4). 

  • Collaborative Education

    Award for course, education project or -team | The UvA aims for educational formats where students learn collaboratively with stakeholders in society to create knowledge, analyze issues, and solve problems (Vision on Teaching and Learning, p.12). This involves seeking collaboration with various societal organizations, businesses, and knowledge institutions (Strategic Plan, p.5). Additionally, promoting collaboration among disciplines within the UvA is encouraged. This contributes to innovation within individual fields and helps better address future challenges (Strategic Plan, p.5). 

  • Innovating Education

    Award for course, education project or -team | The UvA considers it essential to continue experimenting and innovating in education to provide students with powerful and rich learning environments (Vision on Teaching and Learning, p.7). This can be achieved, for example, through blended learning, by adapting to recent developments (such as the use of AI), or by utilizing non-traditional educational spaces.

  • How is it organised?

    Four prizes

    There are four prizes, based on themes from the UvA Institutional Plan, the UvA Educational Vision and the theme of the UvA Education Day 2024:

    • Activating education (for individual teacher)
    • Inclusive education (for individual lecturer)
    • Collaborative education (for subject, educational project or team)
    • Innovative education (for subject, educational project or team)


    After the nomination period, a pre-selection of nominees will take place based on the highest number of nominations. The pre-selection will be approached with the question whether they would like to be a candidate for the UvA Education Awards as an individual teacher or as a team. The participating candidates are then assessed by a jury.


    There are two juries, a jury for the individual teacher awards and a jury for the team awards. The juries is still to be composed and will consist of committed UvA employees with expertise related to the themes. To whom the Education Awards will be presented to will be determined on the basis of: 

    • Commentary of nominations (all nomination have commentary required); 
    • Letter from participating candidates** including reaction to the commentary of nominations, explanatory notes about their education(project) and the choices made (enhancing their vision on teaching & learning). 

    ** More detailed criteria can be found in the FAQ. 

    Award ceremony

    The UvA Education Awards will be presented during the UvA Education Day 2024 on 22 October 2024.

  • What is the planning?
    Important dates

    6 EXTENDED TO 14 June 2024
    Nomination period

    June - September 2024
    Jury process

    22 October 2024
    Awards ceremony during UvA Onderwijsdag  

  • When can you nominate?

    The nomination period is from 6 - 14 June 2024 (period extended with two weeks after campus demonstrations). During this period, all UvA students and employees can nominate an individual teacher, subject, educational project or team for the UvA Education Awards 2024. 

  • What are the themes based on?

    The four themes of the UvA Education Awards 2024 align with the UvA's Strategic Plan, the UvA's Vision on Teaching and Learning, and the theme of the UvA Education Day 2024: 

    Student Activating Teaching
    The UvA considers it important to offer activating education with a high level of student engagement (Strategic Plan, p.5). Therefore, all faculties focus on activating teaching methods (Vision on Teaching and Learning, p.6), and the UvA aims to continue providing space for rich, small-scale learning environments to offer students high-quality education (Vision on Teaching and Learning, p.6). 

    Inclusive Teaching
    Based on the Strategic Agenda for Higher Education and Research of the Ministry of Education, Culture, and Science, the UvA focuses on ensuring that education aligns well with the diversity in backgrounds and talents of its students (Vision on Teaching and Learning, p.6). Broad accessibility and equal opportunities in education are crucial in this regard (Strategic Plan, p.5). Active efforts are required to promote diversity, inclusivity, and equality to attract, retain, and educate talents (Strategic Plan, p.4). 

    Collaborative Education
    The UvA aims for educational formats where students learn collaboratively with stakeholders in society to create knowledge, analyze issues, and solve problems (Vision on Teaching and Learning, p.12). This involves seeking collaboration with various societal organizations, businesses, and knowledge institutions (Strategic Plan, p.5). Additionally, promoting collaboration among disciplines within the UvA is encouraged. This contributes to innovation within individual fields and helps better address future challenges (Strategic Plan, p.5). 

    Innovating Education
    The UvA considers it essential to continue experimenting and innovating in education to provide students with powerful and rich learning environments (Vision on Teaching and Learning, p.7). This can be achieved, for example, through blended learning, by adapting to recent developments (such as the use of AI), or by utilizing non-traditional educational spaces. 

  • Who get to nominate?

    All students and employees of the UvA can nominate. It is possible to nominate an individual teacher as well as a course, educational project or -team.

  • What are the criteria for participating candidates?

    The jurys request the candidates to provide a written response to the nomination which includes an explanation of their teaching initiatives and a justification of the choices made therein (vision on teaching and learning). Additionally, the jury uses the following questions as criteria: 

    General criteria

    • Does the teacher provide a clear insight into the choices made? 
    • Does the teacher demonstrate a convincing vision of education regarding the category? 

    Criteria for the theme Student Activating Teaching

    • To what extent does the teacher effectively use activating teaching methods?
    • How actively does the teacher involve students in the education process? 

    Criteria for the theme Inclusive Teaching

    • How accessible is the teacher's education for students with different backgrounds and talents? 
    • To what extent does the teacher promote equal opportunities in their own education?

    Criteria for the theme Collaborative Education

    • To what extent does collaboration occur beyond the teacher's own subject (with other disciplines or societal parties)? 
    • How much does this collaboration contribute mutually to the accumulation of knowledge and/or solving complex issues? 

    Criteria for the theme Innovative Education

    • How innovative is the education provided? 
    • How much does this innovation contribute to a powerful learning environment?
  • Who were the previous winners?

    Previous years, the UvA Lecturer of the Year were: Jan Aten (2022)David Bos (2021), René Smits (2020), Elio Baldi (2019), Frank Nack (2018), Antoinette Muntjewerff (2016-2017), Bas de Bruin (2015), Joris Marée (2014), Mieke Mulder (2013), Jan van Maarseveen (2012), Gerben Moerman (2011), Sander Bais (2010), Peter Starreveld (2009), Mathieu de Bakker (2008) and Maria Bonaria Urban (2007).

    Until 2022, the UvA Lecturer of the Year award was organised. The format of this award was then discussed. This led to an evaluation (conducted by TLC-Central) resulting in a new format: UvA Education Awards 2024.

  • Who is organising the UvA Education Awards 2024?

    TLC-Central (UvA Teaching & Learning Centres) is organising the UvA Education Awards 2024, on behalf of Academic Affairs.