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The UvA aims to become a pioneer in the field of sustainability. In the coming years, we will strive to produce significantly less waste. The waste produced on the UvA campuses is recycled as much as possible. We turn it into new raw materials such as biogas, or a new product such as a bench in the park.

Our waste policy: reduce and recycle

Among other things, we produce less waste by consciously choosing what to buy (or not buy) and where we buy. Among other things, this applies to packaging materials such as reusable cups and dishes. Our reduction objective is to achieve: 33% less waste in 2026 than in 2021*. That means about 540,000 kg less waste.

*The COVID period resulted in less waste in 2020 and 2021. The percentages are partly based on measurements in 2016.   

Separating waste properly, collecting it separately and processing it separately is the most effective way to turn the waste into more new raw materials and products. On 1 September 2022, a new method of separating waste was introduced at the UvA. Our goal is to reuse at least 70% of the collected waste as raw material by 2026. 

Separating waste into 4 streams    

At all locations, we separate the waste into the following 4 waste streams:

  • gft en etensresten
  • restafval en blik
  • plastic en drinkpakken
  • papier

Importance of proper waste separation 

Waste that is not put into the correct bin usually results in all the waste in that bin having to be incinerated. Separating waste might sound simple, but in practice it’s not always easy or logical to choose the right waste bin. By the bins, you are therefore shown what should go in which bin. Having doubts? Here is a detailed list showing which types of waste belong where. 

Do you have questions or comments?

Please let us know via the Services Desk FS, or call +31 (0)20 525 1403.