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As of 2015, UvA has provided contemplation rooms for students and staff for relaxation, prayer, and meditation, despite among other things concerns about potential conflicts with the university’s secular nature. These spaces are spread across multiple UvA-premises and have been set up as multifunctional areas after reaching consensus between the parties involved.

At the same time several students and staff have shared concerns about the current facilities, which are sometimes perceived as not inclusive and limited in availability on the busiest campuses, such as Roeterseiland. Therefore, together with the FdR Faculty Diversity Office, CDO conducted a survey through UvA panel.

This survey, completed by over 700 students and staff, revealed a need for more individual spaces for study and well-being -particularly among students. Additionally, due to perceived limitations of the current space in building JK, there also is a need for an extra space on Roeterseiland-campus, ideally in building BCD. The survey also shows that the current facilities could benefit from more awareness of the spaces through better communication and signage. The CDO is working together with stakeholders to advise the Executive Board (CvB) on improving and ensuring the inclusivity of these facilities. Read more about this survey and the various UvA panel studies.

We will keep you informed of developments around the contemplation rooms on this page.