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Both the UvA and the VU have set up a working group. These working groups provide input to the task force and deal with implementation of AI policies and recommendations. This allows the task force to ensure that any advice that it provides to the Executive Boards is in line with the needs of the workplace.

What does the working group do?

The working group translates what is affecting the universities in terms of generative AI into educational practice and develops expertise and tools.

The working group has the following objectives:

  • To optimise communication and information provision within the UvA
  • To promote collaboration within and between faculties
  • To increase AI literacy among staff and students

Composition of the working group

The working group includes staff and students from various UvA faculties and departments. They have different areas of expertise and include, among others, policy advisers, lecturers, academics, IT specialists, members of the Student Council and Central Works Council, educational advisers and librarians.


Get in touch via email with Luuk Terbeek, Chair of UvA working group on AI in education