27 mei 2024
De facultaire winnaars van dit jaar zijn:
ACTA/Faculteit der Tandheelkunde: Max Schoenmakers
The association of periodontitis with cardiovascular disease parameters - a synthesis of systematic reviews
Economie en Bedrijfskunde: Maaike van Vulpen
Understanding and Mitigating Algorithm Aversion in Medical Decision Making: A Study on the Role of Algorithm Information
Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen: Marta Pagliuca Pelacani
The Magical Atlas of Italian Sharecropping: exploring the role of storytelling, textiles, and socially engaged art in the intergenerational transmission of memory and heritage within Italy’s illiterate sharecropping communities
Faculteit der Gedrags- en Maatschappijwetenschappen: Roos Metselaar
‘Not Too Different': Doing Resemblance, Enacting Boundaries in Sperm Donor Matching Practices
Faculteit der Geneeskunde: Amber den Hollander
Predicting Hospital Admission among Emergency Department Patients using Machine Learning
Faculteit der Natuurkunde, Wiskunde en Informatica: Heleen Mulder
Scrutinizing the CKM anomaly within SMEFT and using sterile neutrinos
Faculteit der Rechtsgeleerdheid: Ömer Arikan
Mandatory Scope 3 disclosure in the light of disclosure avoidance strategies: Exploring desirable regulatory features and comparing the proposed SEC Climate Disclosure Rules and the enacted CSRD