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Dr. H. (Hein) van den Berg

Faculty of Humanities
Capaciteitsgroep Philosophical Tradition in Context

Visiting address
  • Oude Turfmarkt 143
Postal address
  • Postbus 94201
    1090 GE Amsterdam
  • Publications







    • Betti, A., van den Berg, H., Oortwijn, Y., & Treijtel, C. (2019). History of Philosophy in Ones and Zeros. In E. Fischer, & M. Curtis (Eds.), Methodological Advances in Experimental Philosophy (pp. 295-332). (Advances in Experimental Philosophy). Bloomsbury Academic. [details]
    • Castermans, T., Verbeek, K., Speckmann, B., Westenberg, M. A., Koopman, R., Wang, S., van den Berg, H., & Betti, A. (2019). SolarView: Low Distortion Radial Embeddings with a Focus. IEEE Transactions on visualization and computer graphics, 25(10), 2969-2982. Advance online publication. [details]



    • Betti, A., Reynaert, M., & van den Berg, H. (2017). @PhilosTEI: Building Corpora for Philosophers. In J. Odijk, & A. van Hessen (Eds.), CLARIN in the Low Countries (pp. 379-392). Ubiquity Press. [details]






    • van den Berg, H. (in press). Systematicity, the Life Sciences, and the Possibility of Laws Concerning Life. In G. Gava, T. Sturm, & A. Vesper (Eds.), Kant and the Systematicity of the Sciences Routledge.



    • Benardou, A., Duval, E., Parra, G., Charleer, S., Jentzsch, A., van den Berg, H., Stoitsis, G., van Berchum, M., & Stavrakaki, M. (2016). D3.3 Evaluation report: Evaluation report on integration of tools with Europeana. (v21 ed.) Europeana Cloud. [details]
    • Duval, E., Parra, G., Charleer, S., Jentzsch, A., van den Berg, H., Stoitsis, G., Galani, K., Marianos, N., Drakos, A., van Berchum, M., & Stavrakaki, M. (2016). D3.2 Tools and services: A set of tools and services for researchers that exploit Europeana content. (v19 ed.) Europeana Cloud. [details]
    • Duval, E., Parra, G., van Berchum, M., van den Berg, H., Jentzsch, A., Manouselis, N., Stoitsis, G., Tsekouras, A., Charleer, S., & Stavrakaki, M. (2016). D3.1 Personas, scenarios and use cases. (2.20 ed.) Europeana Cloud. [details]
    • van den Berg, H. (2016). [Review of: B.W. Hall (2015) The post-critical Kant: understanding the critical philosophy through the Opus postumum]. Kantian Review, 21(2), 329-333. [details]
    • van den Berg, H. (Author). (2016). Hein v.d. Berg on Bryan Hall's "The Post-Critical Kant": [Review of: B. Hall (2015) The Post-Critical Kant : Understanding the Critical Philosophy through the Opus Postumum]. Web publication or website, Critique: Discussing New Books on Kant, German Idealism & Beyond. [details]


    • Betti, A., & van den Berg, H. (2014). @PhilosTEI: Final user evaluation report.
    • van den Berg, H. (2014). Hein v.d. Berg on Jennifer Mensch’s “Kant’s Organicism”. Web publication or website, Critique: Discussing New Books on Kant, German Idealism & Beyond.
    • van den Berg, H. (2014). Review of Jennifer Mensch, Kant's Organicism: Epigenesis and the Development of Critical Philosophy. International Studies in the Philosophy of Science, 28(1), 99-101.



    • van den Berg, H. (2009). Kant on Vital Forces: Metaphysical Concerns versus Scientific Practice. In E-O. Onnasch (Ed.), Kants Philosophie der Natur: Ihre Entwicklung im Opus postumum und ihre Wirkung (pp. 115-135). Walter de Gruyter.


    • Oortwijn, Y., van den Berg, H., & Betti, A. (2020). Ground Truths in the Humanities. Paper presented at 5th Workshop on Visualization for the Digital Humanities, Salt Lake City , Utah, United States. [details]

    Talk / presentation

    • van den Berg, H. (invited speaker) (3-12-2024). Wundt and Kraepelin: An Attempt to Ground Psychiatry as a Proper Science, The Center for Philosophy of Science, University of Pittsburgh.
    • Demarest, B. (speaker) & van den Berg, H. (speaker) (12-7-2024). Medicine as Proper Science in the Eighteenth Century, Hopos 2024, Vienna.
    • Betti, A. (invited speaker) & van den Berg, H. (invited speaker) (24-6-2024). Hacking for the Future: How to Model Styles of Reasoning and Scientific Revolutions, Variations on Style: historical and philosophical perspectives, Online.
    • van den Berg, H. (speaker) (17-6-2024). Explanation, Teleology, and Analogy in Natural History and Comparative Anatomy Around 1800: Kant and Cuvier., AMFIBI student symposium 2024, Amsterdam.
    • van den Berg, H. (speaker) (13-6-2024). Kant and Present-Day Psychiatry, Amsterdam Kant Conference 2024, Amsterdam.
    • van den Berg, H. (speaker) & Betti, A. (speaker) (7-6-2024). Data-driven History of Axiomatics: or Logic through the centuries as much more alive than ever thought before, ILLC Open Day, Amsterdam.
    • van den Berg, H. (invited speaker) (14-11-2023). Explanation, Teleology, and Analogy in Natural History and Comparative Anatomy around 1800: Kant and Cuvier, Analogie und Wissenschaft in Kants Kritik der Urteilskraft, Lake Como.
    • van den Berg, H. (speaker) (12-6-2023). The Causes of Psychiatric Disorders (and Some Philosophy), AmFiBi Philosophy Student Symposium, Amsterdam.
    • van den Berg, H. (invited speaker) (25-8-2022). Wolff and Kant on essences, explanation and laws in science., Essences, Dispositions and Laws in Kant, Trier.
    • van den Berg, H. (speaker) (22-6-2022). The Essentialism of Early Modern Psychiatric Nosology, AmFiBi Philosophy Student Symposium, Amsterdam.
    • Oortwijn, Y. (speaker), van den Berg, H. (speaker) & Betti, A. (speaker) (25-10-2020). Ground Truths for the Humanities, 5th Workshop on Visualization for the Digital Humanities, Salt Lake City .
    • van den Berg, H. (invited speaker) & Demarest, B. (invited speaker) (9-10-2020). Kant on Scientific Hypotheses: Historical and Systematic Perspectives, Kantian Rationality in Philosophy of Science, Kaliningrad.
    • Parisi, M. (speaker) & van den Berg, H. (speaker) (10-2-2020). Expert Annotations, eIdeas Seminar, Zuidoostbeemster.
    • van den Berg, H. (invited speaker) & Betti, A. (invited speaker) (27-1-2020). From Annotation to Ontologies, Computational History of Ideas: Issues and Directions, Groningen.
    • van den Berg, H. (speaker) (7-8-2019). Theoretical Virtues in Eighteenth-Century Debates on Animal Cognition, CLMPST2019: 16th International Congress on Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science and Technology, Prague.
    • van den Berg, H. (invited speaker) (8-7-2019). Kant's Ideal of Systematicity in Historical Context, Kant and the Systematicity of the Sciences, Frankfurt.
    • van den Berg, H. (speaker), Betti, A. (speaker), Oortwijn, Y. (speaker) & Treijtel, C. (speaker) (23-10-2018). History of Philosophy in Ones and Zeros.
    • van den Berg, H. (speaker) (13-7-2018). Kant’s Ideal of Systematicity in Historical Context, Mathematics and its Philosophy in the 18th and 19th Century, Amsterdam.
    • Betti, A. (keynote speaker) & van den Berg, H. (keynote speaker) (7-12-2017). Data-Driven Philosophy: The State of the Art, Reading like a Human (SMART CS conference workshop), Amsterdam.
    • Betti, A. (keynote speaker) & van den Berg, H. (keynote speaker) (20-6-2017). A Computational History of Ideas, Lorentz Workshop: Visualising Digital Humanities, Leiden .
    • van den Berg, H. (invited speaker) & Betti, A. (invited speaker) (31-5-2017). Creating a Computational History of Ideas, Never Mine the Mind, Helsinki.
    • van den Berg, H. (keynote speaker) & Betti, A. (keynote speaker) (20-1-2017). Computationele Ideeëngeschiedenis, Historische Kranten als Big Data II, Den Haag.
    • van den Berg, H. (speaker) (9-12-2016). Kant and the Scope of Analogy in the Life Sciences, Fourth annual OZSW conference, Groningen.
    • van den Berg, H. (speaker) (22-11-2016). Towards a Computational History of Ideas, DESIDERIA Workshop Concept Mining, Amsterdam.
    • van den Berg, H. (invited speaker) & Betti, A. (invited speaker) (22-11-2016). Towards a Computational History of Ideas, DESIDERIA Workshop Concept Mining, Amsterdam.
    • van den Berg, H. (speaker) (28-10-2016). GlamMap: visualizing library metadata, 7th International Conference of Art Libraries, Florence.
    • van den Berg, H. (invited speaker), Betti, A. (invited speaker), Castermans, T. (invited speaker), Westenberg, M. (invited speaker), Speckmann, B. (invited speaker) & Verbeek, K. (invited speaker) (28-10-2016). GlamMap: Visualizing Library Metadata, 7th International Conference of Art Libraries, Florence.
    • van den Berg, H. (speaker) (6-7-2016). Animal Cognition in the Eighteenth Century: Historical Perspectives & future research.
    • van den Berg, H. (invited speaker) & Betti, A. (invited speaker) (6-7-2016). Animal Cognition in the Eighteenth Century: Historical Perspectives and Future Research, Third ILLC Lola Day, Amsterdam.
    • van den Berg, H. (speaker) (30-6-2016). Science and Teleology: Wolff, Reimarus & Kant, The Challenge of Natural Teleology: Final Causes from Aristotle to Darwin , Groningen.
    • van den Berg, H. (speaker) (17-6-2016). Axiomatic Ideals of Science and Concept Drift.
    • van den Berg, H. (invited speaker) & Betti, A. (invited speaker) (17-6-2016). Axiomatic Ideals of Science and Concept Drift, ILLC Midsummernight Colloquium, Amsterdam.
    • Betti, A. (speaker) & van den Berg, H. (keynote speaker) (10-6-2016). Taking the computational turn in the History of Ideas, Digital Humanities Benelux Conference 2016, Luxembourg.


    • van den Berg, H. (2011). Kant on Proper Science: Biology in the Critical Philosophy and the Opus postumum. [Thesis, fully external, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam]. [Vrije Universiteit].
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