Waldthausen, C. von. 2014. "Initial Results of Cleaning Experiments Performed
on PMMA Surfaces". Au Courant, 7, May.
Waldthausen, C. von. 2011. "UV-werend eigenschappen van verschillende typen
glas, kunststof folies voor museale doeleinden. RN-M@gazine, 5,
Waldthausen, C. von. 2011. "Richtlijnen bij het tentoonstellen van
foto's". Fotografisch Geheugen, 70.
Waldthausen, C. von. 2011. "Richtlijnen bij het tenoonstellen van foto's".
Fotografisch Geheugen, 70.
Wei, Bill. Ingrid Gerritsen and Clara von Waldthausen. 2011. "Re-examining
the (electro-)chemical Cleaning of Daguerreotypes: Microscopic Change versus
Macroscopic Perception". AIC/PMG Topics in Photograph Preservation, 14,
Scott, Graeme. Farideh Frekrsanati, Fiona MacKinnon, Margrit Reuss and Clara
von Waldthausen. 2010. "Back to Bali: the Effectiveness of Using Microclimates
during a loan of artworks on paper between teh Netherlands and Indonesia".
Journal of the Institute of Conservation, 33:1, 79-92.
Wei, Bill and Clara von Waldthausen. 2009/2010. "Spiegeltje aan de Wand:
ethische vragen over het reinigen van daguerreotypieen". Kunst en
Wetenschap, 18: 4, 37-38.
Waldthausen, C. von. 2007. "The Great Exhibition of 1851: An Introduction to
a Research Project and Preliminary Findings". AIC/PMG Topics in Photograph
Preservation, 12, 49-54.
Waldthausen, C. von. 2006. "The Identification of Coatings on 19th Century
Salted Paper and Albumen Prints". Coatings on Photographs, The Photographic
Materials Group and The American Institute of Conservation, 78-95. ISBN
Lavedrine, B., Waldthausen, C. von and L. Gann. 2006. "Coatings on Autochrome
PLates". The Photographic Materials Group and The American Institute of
Conservation, 132-139. ISBN 0-0760501-02
Degrigny C. and C. von Waldthausen. 2006. "COST G8 Training School in Malta:
Innovative Tools for Exhibition Purposes: Environmental and Damage
Assessment". COST Action G8: Non-destructive Testing and Analysis of Museum
Objects. Frauenhofer IRB Verlag, 200-211. ISBN-10: 3-8167-7178-5.
Waldthausen, C. von. 2005. "LightCheck Dosimeter: In de praktijk getoetst".
CR, 4, 17-19.
Waldthausen, C. von. 2005. "Recovery of a Water-soaked Photograph Collection
in the Netherlands". Preparing for the Worst, Planning for the Best: Protecting
our Cultural Heritage from Disaster, Proceedings of a special IFLA
pre-conference meeting held in Berlin in July 2003, IFLA, 163-176. ISBN
Waldthausen C. von. 2005. "Photographic Materials: Exhibition Problems and
Standards". Papier Restaurierung, 6, 1, 13-19.
Waldthausen, C. von as contributing author. 2004. Photographic Materials
Conservation Catalog, Chapter 1 -Exhibition Guidelines for Photographic
Materials. AIC/PMG.
Waldthausen, C. von. 2003. "Exhibition of Photographic Materials in Library
and Archive Collections". ICA/ICPT Symposium Post-prints, Exhibiting
Archival and Library Material and Works of Art on Paper: Standards in
Preservation, Ljubljana, June 5-6 2003, 175-188.
Waldthausen, C. von and B. Lavedrine. 2002. "An Investigation into a
Consolidation Treatment for Flaking Autochrome Plates." Pre-prints ICOM-CC
Triennial Meeting Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, September 23-28, 2002, II,
Waldthausen, C. von. 2000. Stand van zaken wat betreft fotocollecties in
Nederland. Steph Scholten (ed). Rapport Instituut Collectie Nederland (now
Rijksdienst Cultureel Erfgoed).