Rosa Sanchez Salgado is an Associate Professor of European Politics at the Political Sciences Department at the University of Amsterdam. She currently coordinates the Public Policy and Goverance track of the Political Sciences’ Bachelor and Master programs and is member of the UvA social safety Committee.
In her research and teaching, Rosa Sanchez Salgado focuses on:
Some of my last articles in newspapers or blog posts:
Rosa is Member of the Uva’s Political Economy and Transnational Governance group, and of the Amsterdam Center for European Studies. She is also member of many international Networks, including several ECPR standing groups, the Sociology of Emotions Research Network and the Mindfulness and Social Change Network.
Consultant for the Human dignity and human rights caucus (HDHRC). The HDHRC is a temporary device aimed at enhancing human rights within the framework of the Word social Forum (WSF). Her tasks included advice on network management and coordination of HDHRC activities carried out during the WSF in Nairobi (Kenya 2007) and Belem (Brazil 2009).
Program and Research Officer for the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) from 2001 to 2005. Her task at the Americas departmet at FIDH included research, the organization of international seminars and fact finding missions and lobbying activities before the EU, the UN and the OAS.
In the last years Rosa has been teaching the following courses:
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