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Dr. C.J. (Caroline) Roset

Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen
Tweede Taalverwerving
Fotograaf: Bastiaan Heus

  • Spuistraat 134
  • Postbus 1641
    1000 BP Amsterdam
  • Profile

    Since August 2004, I work as a lecturer at the Department of Arabic Language and Culture at the University of Amsterdam. Please check the tab 'teaching activities' for more information on this topic.

    In 2018, I finished my PhD research entitled 'A grammar of Darfur Arabic'. Please click the tab 'PhD research' for more information on this project and the link to the dissertation at the tab 'publications'.


    Curriculum vitae

    I studied Arabic, French and Dutch at the Higher School for Translation and Interpreting (HBO Tolk-Vertaler) in Maastricht. Subsequently, I studied Arabic at the University of Amsterdam, graduating in 1997 on my thesis on modern Yemeni poetry.


    As part of my studies of Arabic I spent six months in Cairo and one academic year in Damascus, both at the local French institutes for Arabic Studies. During my studies at the University of Amsterdam, I did an internship at the Dutch Embassy in Sana'a, Yemen, in 1996.


    After graduating, I worked on a local road safety project in North-East Syria for the oil company Shell in 1998. Back in the Netherlands, I got employed as an official in asylum matters at the Dutch Immigration- and Naturalizaton Service and later as a legal secretary at several Amsterdam law firms.


    Please check Academia.edu/CarolineRoset for my publications.


    Othman, Afnan, Abdallah (Hajj Youssef, Khartoum North, Sudan, February 2012)



    Webpage last updated September 2024

  • Teaching activities

    This academic year (2024-2025) I teach the undergraduate courses Egyptian and Modern Standard Arabic language acquisition and Arabic in Contact (linguistics). Please see the Course catalogue and the UvA time table below for more information on these classes.


    Course catalogue UvA

    Time Table UvA


    Previously, I have been teaching classical as well as modern Arabic texts, the core course Arabic linguistics, Arabic philology, advanced language acquisition classes in Modern Standard Arabic and Egyptian Arabic, as well as Academic research and writing skills.


    Deep-fried grasshoppers (Omdurman, Sudan, December 2012)
  • Ph.D. research

    On 18 May 2018 I defended my Ph.D dissertation about the spoken Arabic of Darfur with the Amsterdam Centre for Language and Communication, ACLC.


    Darfur is de most western province of Sudan. Other than Arabic, many other languages are spoken in the area. I spent part of the winters of 2011-2015 in Khartoum, the capital of Sudan. I collected my data among Darfurians living there by interviewing and recording them and then I transcribed their speech. The analysis resulted in my Ph.D thesis 'A grammar of Darfur Arabic'.

    Below you can find a report on my field work in Khartoum in English and in Dutch and a web link to my article about Arabic dialects with Stemmen van Afrika. The complete thesis can be found open access at dare.uva.nl (check tab 'publications') and lotpublications.nl.







    Darfur, the most western province of Sudan
  • Publicaties




    • Roset, C. (2015). A Phonology of Darfur Arabic. Wiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde des Morgenlandes, 105, 315-342. [details]




    • Roset, C. J. (2018). Integratie, Tariq Ramadan en Darfur-Arabisch. ZemZem, 2018(2), 92-95.



    • Khedairi, B., Roset, C. J., & Poppinga, D. (2009). Afwezig. Breda: De Geus.


    • Roset, C. J., & Manfredi, S. (2019). Toward a dialect history of the Baggara Belt. Paper presented at North Atlantic Conference on Afroasiatic Linguistics 47, Paris, France.



    • Roset, C. (speaker) (1-6-2017). arifti kalaami, Association Internationale de Dialectologie Arabe (AIDA). https://aida12.sciencesconf.org/
    • Roset, C. (speaker) (15-12-2015). Color Terms in Darfur Arabic, Workshop Language Change in the Arab World, Universiteit van Amsterdam.


    • Roset, C. J. (2018). A grammar of Darfur Arabic. [Thesis, fully internal, Universiteit van Amsterdam]. [details]
    This list of publications is extracted from the UvA-Current Research Information System. Questions? Ask the library or the Pure staff of your faculty / institute. Log in to Pure to edit your publications. Log in to Personal Page Publication Selection tool to manage the visibility of your publications on this list.
  • Nevenwerkzaamheden
    • Lingua
      Taal- en tolkanalyse Soedanees-Arabisch