Kuryel, A., Roei, N., & Aydemir, M. (2025). Afterword. In M. Aydemir, A. Kuryel, & N. Roei (Eds.), The Future of Cultural Analysis: A Critical Inquiry (pp. 243-252). AUP. https://doi.org/10.2307/jj.22361586.19
Roei, N., Aydemir, M., & Kuryel, A. (2025). Introduction: Cultural Analysis, circa 2034. In M. Aydemir, A. Kuryel, & N. Roei (Eds.), The Future of Cultural Analysis: A Critical Inquiry (pp. 7-22). AUP. https://doi.org/10.1515/9789048559800-001
Kuryel, A. (in press). From Social Relevance to Public Intervention: Cultural Analysis in and out of the Classroom. In A. Kuryel, N. Roei, & M. Aydemir (Eds.), The Future of Cultural Analysis: A Critical Inquiry AUP.
Kuryel, A. (2023). Colonial Exposure. In C. Howe, J. Diamanti, & A. Moore (Eds.), Solarities: Elemental Encounters and Refractions (pp. 149-157). Punctum Books. https://doi.org/10.53288/0404.1.00[details]
Kuryel, A. (2022). Looking at and with Images: Crowds in Joker, Joker in the Crowd. In S. Redmond (Ed.), Breaking Down Joker: Violence, Loneliness, Tragedy (pp. 78-89). (Routledge Advances in Film Studies). Routledge. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003171300-9[details]
Fırat, B. Ö., & Kuryel, A. (Eds.) (2011). Cultural Activism: Practices, Dilemmas, and Possibilities. (Thamyris intersecting: place, sex, and race; No. 21). Rodopi. https://brill.com/view/title/30925[details]
Kuryel, A. (2023). Performatif Dönüş: Ulusun İmajları ve Beden. Manuscript submitted for publication. In Kültürel Dönüşler Baglam.
Kuryel, A. (2023). Public Intervention through Dreams. Manuscript in preparation. In Global Visual Handbook of Anti-Authoritarian Counterstrategies ed. International Research Group on Authoritarianism and Counter-Strategies (IRGAC) and kollektiv orangotango, Rosa-Luxemburg Stiftung Press Rosa-Luxemburg Stiftung Press.
Kuryel, A. (2023). Sloganın Sesi. Cogito Yapı Kredi, (109).
Kuryel, A. (2023). Utanca Bakmak. Cogito Yapı Kredi, (110).
Kuryel, A. (Ed.) (2020). Sıkıntı Var: Sıkıntı Üzerine Denemeler. (İletişim Yayınları; Vol. 2900), (Bugünün Kitapları; Vol. 249). İletişim Yayınları. [details]
Kuryel, A. (2018). Uplefter. nY, 36, 8-26. [details]
Meseri, R., & Kuryel, A. (Eds.) (2017). Türkiye’de Yahudi Olmak: Bir Deneyim Sözlüğü. (İletişim yayınları ; Vol. 2552), (Bugünün Kitapları; Vol. 227). İletişim Yayınları. [details]
Fırat, B. O., & Kuryel, A. (Eds.) (2015). Küresel İsyanlar Çağında: Direniş ve Estetik. (Sanathayat dizisi; Vol. 34), (İletişim yayınları; Vol. 2165). İletişim Yayınları. [details]
Kuryel, A. (2015). “Rebuilding Life”. In Istanbul, Passion, Joy, Fury, Exhibition Catalogue, curated by Hou Hanru with Ceren Erdem, Elena Motisi and Donatella Saroli Rome : Quodlibet MAXXI.
Kuryel, A. (Author). (2021). The Balcony and Our Dreams a film by Aylin Kuryel with an essay by Aziz Güzel: The Museum of Dreams Collection. Web publication or website https://www.museumofdreams.org/balcony-and-our-dreams
Kuryel, A. (2023). March 8: A Memoir: FIPRESCI Prize, 42nd Istanbul Film Festival, National Short Film Competition.
Kuryel, A. (2022). Dublin City of Literature Support for the documentary, Translating Ulysses.
Kuryel, A. (2022). UvA Education Innovation Grant: Fair, Resilient & Inclusive Societies (FRIS) with ‘Public Intervention’ as a Learning/Teaching Method.
Kuryel, A. (2022). CultureCIVIC Culture and Art Support for the documentary project, The City and the Messiah.
Kuryel, A. (2022). Best International Joycean Documentary Award at Bloomsday Film Festival, with short documentary, The Thing That Goes Through Everything (dir. Aylin Kuryel & Fırat Yücel), Dublin, June 2022.
Kuryel, A. (2021). Netherlands Film Fonds support for documentary, A Defense.
Kuryel, A. (2021). Amsterdams Fonds voor de Kunst support for documentary, Translating Ulysses.
Kuryel, A. (2020). Dutch Foundation for Literature (Letterenfonds) grant for Translating Ulysses, Documentary (forthcoming).
Kuryel, A. (2019). Special Jury Award, Heads and Tails, Documentary, Istanbul Film Festival.
Kuryel, A. (2016). Special Jury Award, Welcome Lenin, 9th Documentarist – Istanbul Documentary Days.
Kuryel, A. (2010). ASCA PhD Fellowship, University of Amsterdam.
Kuryel, A. (2007). European Cultural Foundation Fund and Local Funds of the Consulate General of the Netherlands for Neo City-Lettrists project and exhibition.
Kuryel, A. (2006). HSP Huygens Scholarship, The Netherlands.
Kuryel, A. (speaker) (2017). Audience Emancipated screening and lecture, Producing the Future: Citizens by Act at DAS Graduate School.
Kuryel, A. (speaker) (2016). Who’s Afraid of Academic Freedom?: The Politics of Academic Freedom in Turkey and Israel/Palestine, Who’s Afraid of Academic Freedom?: The Politics of Academic Freedom in Turkey and Israel/Palestine, Democracy Dome, Amsterdam.
Kuryel, A. (speaker) (2015). “Measures of Creativity in Gezi Resistance”, Global Cultures of Contestation, organized by the Amsterdam Centre for Globalisation Studies.
Kuryel, A. (speaker) (2014). “A Specter is Haunting: Ghostly Images in the National Everyday”, Global Spectralities, ACGS/ASCA Seminar.
Kuryel, A. (speaker) (2013). “Creativity in Action: Counter-Spectacles and Affective Collectives”, Aesthetics and Politics in Turkey: Art, Film and Literature conference, Sabancı University.
Kuryel, A. (2015). Image acts and visual communities: everyday nationalism in contemporary Turkey. [Thesis, fully internal, Universiteit van Amsterdam]. [details]
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