Kloosterman, R. C. (2024). Mixed Embeddedness Re-assembled. In B. Glinka, & J. Freiling (Eds.), De Gruyter Handbook of Migrant Entrepreneurship (pp. 261-273). (De Gruyter Handbooks in Business, Economics and Finance). De Gruyter. https://doi.org/10.1515/9783111025520-013
Kloosterman, R. C., & de Vries, J. (2024). Planning and sustaining an inclusive urban infrastructure of cultural amenities: Lessons from Amsterdam. In J. T. Miao, & T. Yigitcanlar (Eds.), Routledge Companion to Creativity and the Built Environment (pp. 543-553). (Routledge companions). Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003292821-49[details]
Vriesema, M. A., Kloosterman, R. C., & van Kempen, S. W. M. (2024). Get back: analysing the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the Lowlands festival. Cultural Trends. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1080/09548963.2024.2376006
Vriesema, M. A., & Kloosterman, R. C. (2022). Recapturing creative space in architectural design unravelling the production network of a young, innovative architectural practice in Rotterdam. Creative Industries Journal, 15(2), 199-216. https://doi.org/10.1080/17510694.2022.2030102[details]
Brandellero, A., & Kloosterman, R. C. (2020). There's Music to Play, Places to Go, People to See! An Exploration of Innovative Relational Spaces in the Formation of Music Scenes: The Case of The Hague in the 1960s. Built Environment, 46(2), 298 – 312. https://doi.org/10.2148/benv.46.2.298[details]
Kloosterman, R. C., & Pfeffer, K. (2020). The Canal District as a Site of Cognitive-Cultural Activities: “A Miracle of Spaciousness, Compactness, Intelligible Order”. In J. Nijman (Ed.), Amsterdam’s Canal District: Origins, Evolution, and Future Prospects (pp. 161-180). University of Toronto Press. https://doi.org/10.3138/9781487510787-013, https://doi.org/10.3138/j.ctv16kkwqx.15[details]
Zhang, X., Kloosterman, R. C., & Li, Y. (2020). ‘Stars’ and places: Exploring the spatial organization of media and entertainment industries in China. Journal of Cultural Economy, 13(5), 626–641. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1080/17530350.2020.1751677[details]
Kloosterman, R. C. (2019). Migrant entrepreneurs and Cities: New Opportunities, Newcomers, New Issues. In T. Caponio, P. Scholten, & R. Zapata-Barrero (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of the Governance of Migration and Diversity in Cities (pp. 63-74). (Routledge handbooks). Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781351108478[details]
Kloosterman, R. C. (2018). The urban commons and cultural industries: An exploration of the institutional embeddedness of architectural design in the Netherlands. In W. Salet (Ed.), The Routledge Handbook of Institutions and Planning in Action (pp. 289-299). (Routledge handbooks). Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781315111230-19[details]
Kloosterman, R. C., & Koetsenruijter, R. (2018). Patterns and Dynamics of Globalization of Cultural Industries. In R. C. Kloosterman, V. Mamadouh, & P. Terhorst (Eds.), Handbook on the Geographies of Globalization (pp. 279-295). Edward Elgar Publishing. https://doi.org/10.4337/9781785363849.00031[details]
Kloosterman, R. C., & Terhorst, P. (2018). An Economic-Geographic Perspective on Globalization. In R. C. Kloosterman, V. Mamadouh, & P. Terhorst (Eds.), Handbook on the Geographies of Globalization (pp. 108-119). Edward Elgar Publishing. https://doi.org/10.4337/9781785363849.00016[details]
Kloosterman, R. C., Mamadouh, V., & Terhorst, P. (2018). Introducing geographies of globalization: genealogies of the concept, existing views on inside and outside geography. In R. C. Kloosterman, V. Mamadouh, & P. Terhorst (Eds.), Handbook on the Geographies of Globalization (pp. 2-16). Edward Elgar Publishing. https://doi.org/10.4337/9781785363849.00009[details]
Folmer, E., & Kloosterman, R. C. (2017). Emerging Intra-Urban Geographies of the Cognitive-Cultural Economy: Evidence from Residential Neighbourhoods in Dutch Cities. Environment and Planning A, 49(4), 801-818. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1177/0308518X16684826[details]
Kloosterman, R. C., & Koetsenruijter, R. (2017). New kids on the block? The emerging global mosaic of cultural production. In N. Beerepoot, B. Lambregts, & J. Kleibert (Eds.), Globalisation and Services-driven Economic Growth: Perspectives from the Global North and South (pp. 142-163). (The dynamics of economic space). Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781315585055[details]
Brandellero, A., & Kloosterman, R. C. (2016). More than just bytes? Responses to digitization in the Paris cluster of world music production. In B. J. Hracs, M. Seman, & T. E. Virani (Eds.), The Production and Consumption of Music in the Digital Age (pp. 177-189). (Routledge Studies in Human Geography). Routledge. https://www.taylorfrancis.com/books/e/9781317529651/chapters/10.4324%2F9781315724003-24[details]
Kloosterman, R. C., Rusinovic, K., & Yeboah, D. (2016). Super-diverse migrants—similar trajectories? Ghanaian entrepreneurship in the Netherlands seen from a Mixed Embeddedness perspective. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 42(6), 913-932. https://doi.org/10.1080/1369183X.2015.1126091[details]
Zhang, X., & Kloosterman, R. C. (2016). Connecting the 'workshop of the world': intra- and extra-service networks of the Pearl River Delta city-region. Regional Studies, 50(6), 1069-1081. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1080/00343404.2014.962492[details]
Beerepoot, N., Lambregts, B., & Kloosterman, R. C. (2015). Conclusions: offshore services and the road to development. In B. Lambregts, N. Beerepoot, & R. C. Kloosterman (Eds.), The local impact of globalization in South and Southeast Asia: offshore business processes in services industries (pp. 208-214). (Routledge studies in the modern world economy; No. 149). Routledge. http://www.taylorandfrancis.com/books/details/9781138777262/[details]
Kloosterman, R. C. (2015). De gevaren van een getemde stad. In V. Mamadouh, & A. van Wageningen (Eds.), EU@Amsterdam: een stedelijke raad: essays over de Europese stad (pp. 187-192). AUP. [details]
Kloosterman, R. C., Beerepoot, N., & Lambregts, B. (2015). Service-sector driven economic development from a historical perspective. In B. Lambregts, N. Beerepoot, & R. C. Kloosterman (Eds.), The local impact of globalization in South and Southeast Asia: offshore business processes in services industries (pp. 17-28). (Routledge studies in the modern world economy; No. 149). Routledge. http://www.tandf.net/books/details/9781138777262/[details]
Lambregts, B., Beerepoot, N., & Kloosterman, R. C. (2015). The local impact of services offshoring in South and Southeast Asia: introduction and overview. In B. Lambregts, N. Beerepoot, & R. C. Kloosterman (Eds.), The local impact of globalization in South and Southeast Asia: offshore business processes in services industries (pp. 1-13). (Routledge studies in the modern world economy; No. 149). Routledge. http://www.tandf.net/books/details/9781138777262/[details]
Beckers, P., & Kloosterman, R. C. (2014). Open to business? An exploration of the impact of the built environment and zoning plans on local businesses in pre-war and post-war residential neighbourhoods in Dutch cities. Urban Studies, 51(1), 153-169. https://doi.org/10.1177/0042098013484533[details]
Kloosterman, R. C. (2014). Cultural amenities: large and small, mainstream and niche—A conceptual framework for cultural planning in an age of austerity. European Planning Studies, 22(12), 2510-2525. https://doi.org/10.1080/09654313.2013.790594[details]
Kloosterman, R. C. (2014). From Amsterdamned to I Amsterdam: the Amsterdam economy and its impact on the labor market position of migrants, 1980-2010. In N. Foner, J. Rath, J. W. Duyvendak, & R. van Reekum (Eds.), New York and Amsterdam: immigration and the new urban landscape (pp. 107-131). New York & Amsterdam: New York University Press. [details]
Kloosterman, R. C., & Lambregts, B. (2014). The polycentric vision. In M. Tewdwr-Jones, N. A. Phelps, & R. Freestone (Eds.), The planning imagination: Peter Hall and the study of urban and regional planning (pp. 228-239). (Planning, history, and the environment series). London: Routledge. [details]
Kloosterman, R., & Rath, J. (2014). Immigrant entrepreneurship. In M. Martiniello, & J. Rath (Eds.), An introduction to immigrant incorporation studies: European perspectives (pp. 195-225). (IMISCOE Textbooks). Amsterdam University Press. [details]
Deinema, M., & Kloosterman, R. (2013). Polycentric urban trajectories and urban cultural economy. In J. Klaesson, B. Johansson, & C. Karlsson (Eds.), Metropolitan regions: knowledge infrastructures of the global economy (pp. 339-373). (Advances in spatial science). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-32141-2_15[details]
Deinema, M., & Kloosterman, R. (2012). The city and the art of earning: cultural industries in the twentieth-century Netherlands. In L. Lucassen, & W. Willems (Eds.), Living in the city: urban institutions in the Low Countries, 1200-2010 (pp. 168-191). (Routledge studies in cultural history; No. 14). Routledge. [details]
Kloosterman, R. (2012). Planning for creativity: the transformation of the Amsterdam Eastern Docklands. In I. Helbrecht, & P. Dirksmeier (Eds.), New urbanism: life, work, and space in the New Downtown (pp. 61-83). (Design and the built environment series). Farnham [etc.]: Ashgate. [details]
Kloosterman, R., & Rath, J. (2012). Nuevos cambios en la iniciativa empresarial de los inmigrantes: una visión Europea. In F. López Castellano, F. García-Quero, & M. Aboussi (Eds.), Empresariodo inmigrante, instituciones y desarrolo (pp. 21-44). Comares. [details]
Lambregts, B., & Kloosterman, R. (2012). Randstad Holland: probing hierarchies and interdependencies in a polycentric world city region. In B. Derudder, M. Hoyler, P. J. Taylor, & F. Witlox (Eds.), International handbook of globalization and world cities (pp. 476-486). Edward Elgar. https://doi.org/10.4337/9781781001011.00058[details]
Kloosterman, R. C., & Trip, J. J. (2011). Planning for quality? Assessing the role of quality of place in current Dutch planning practice. Journal of urban design, 16(4), 455-470. https://doi.org/10.1080/13574809.2011.585863[details]
Brandellero, A. M. C., & Kloosterman, R. C. (2010). Keeping the market at bay: exploring the loci of innovation in the cultural industries. Creative Industries Journal, 3(1), 61-77. https://doi.org/10.1386/cij.3.1.61_1[details]
Kloosterman, R. C. (2010). Building a career: labour practices and cluster reproduction in Dutch architectural design. Regional Studies, 44(7), 859-871. https://doi.org/10.1080/00343400903236873[details]
Kloosterman, R. C. (2010). Die Lehre aus Amsterdam: Neue Urbanität in der alten Stadt. Geographische Zeitschrift, 97(2-3), 113-129. [details]
Kloosterman, R. C. (2010). Ethnic entrepreneurship. In R. Hutchison, M. B. Aalbers, R. A. Beauregard, & M. Crang (Eds.), Encyclopedia of urban studies (pp. 257-260). Sage. [details]
Kloosterman, R. C. (2010). Matching opportunities with resources: a framework for analysing (migrant) entrepreneurship from a mixed embeddedness perspective. Entrepreneurship and Regional Development, 22(1), 25-45. https://doi.org/10.1080/08985620903220488[details]
Kloosterman, R. C., Lavanga, M., Stegmeijer, E. S., & Haijen, J. R. (2010). Proeftuinen - Cultuur als hefboom voor de locale economie: de cases Helsinki, Manchester, Lille, Milaan en Birmingham. In T. Metze, & J. Saris (Eds.), Creatieve economie verandert de stad. Onderzoeksbundel bij community of practice proeftuinen creatieve economie (pp. 91-145). (Rapport; No. 44). Habiforum. [details]
Kloosterman, R., van der Leun, J., & Rath, J. (2010). Mixed embeddedness: (in)formal economic activities and immigrant businesses in the Netherlands. In M. Martiniello, & J. Rath (Eds.), Selected studies in international migration and immigrant incorporation (pp. 315-338). (IMISCOE Textbook Series). AUP. [details]
Brandellero, A., & Kloosterman, R. (2009). Crossing the commodification boundary: exploring migrants’ trajectories in the cultural industries. In F. Eckardt, & L. Nyström (Eds.), Culture and the city (pp. 141-156). (Future urban research in Europe; No. 3). Berlin: BWV, Berliner Wissenschafts-Verlag. [details]
Kloosterman, R., & van der Werff, M. (2009). Culture: a local anchor in a world of flows? A critical assessment of cultural spatial planning in the Netherlands. In P. Benneworth, & G-J. Hospers (Eds.), The role of culture in the economic development of old industrial regions (pp. 45-66). (Regionen in Europa/European Regions). Wien: Lit. [details]
Hoyler, M., Kloosterman, R. C., & Sokol, M. (2008). Polycentric puzzles: Emerging mega-city regions seen through the lens of advanced producer services. Regional Studies, 42(8), 1055-1064. https://doi.org/10.1080/00343400802389377[details]
Kloosterman, R. C. (2008). Walls and bridges: knowledge spillover between 'superdutch' architectural firms. Journal of Economic Geography, 8(4), 545-563. https://doi.org/10.1093/jeg/lbn010[details]
Lambregts, B., Beerepoot, N., & Kloosterman, R. C. (Eds.) (2016). The local impact of globalization in South and Southeast Asia: offshore business processes in services industries. (Routledge studies in the modern world economy; Vol. 149). Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781315772776[details]
Kloosterman, R. C. (2015). Cultuurpaleis of alternatief podium? Culturele planning gevierendeeld en gewogen. In E. Schrijvers, A-G. Keizer, & G. Engbersen (Eds.), Cultuur herwaarderen (pp. 83-102). (WRR-verkenning; No. 30). Amsterdam University Press. https://www.wrr.nl/publicaties/verkenningen/2015/03/05/cultuur-herwaarderen[details]
Kloosterman, R., & Rath, J. (2011). Veränderte Konturen migrantischen Unternehmertums. In F. Hillmann (Ed.), Marginale Urbanität: migrantisches Unternehmertum und Stadtentwicklung (pp. 87-118). (Urban studies). Transcript . [details]
Kloosterman, R., & Rath, J. (2010). Shifting landscapes of immigrant entrepreneurship. In Open for business: migrant entrepreneurship in OECD countries. (pp. 101-123). OECD. https://doi.org/10.1787/9789264095830-5-en[details]
Kloosterman, R. C. (2023). Lessons learned from applying a production network-based policy framework to the cultural and creative sector. (CICERONE report; No. D6.4). CICERONE. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.8098784[details]
Power, D., & Kloosterman, R. C. (2023). Policy frameworks for production networks in the creative and cultural sector. (CICERONE report; No. D6.1). CICERONE. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10091731[details]
Vriesema, M., Kloosterman, R. C., van Kempen, S., Andreeva, D., Tomova, B., & Andreeva, T. (2023). Production networks in the cultural and creative sector: case studies from the visual arts industry. (CICERONE report; No. D2.6b). CICERONE. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.6884221[details]
Vriesema, M., Kloosterman, R. C., van Kempen, S., Pareja-Eastaway, M., Vidaechea, J., & Miguel , M. P. (2023). Production networks in the cultural and creative sector: case studies from architectural design. (CICERONE report; No. D2.1). CICERONE. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.6884621[details]
Kloosterman, R. C., Brandellero, A., Rasterhoff, C., & Koetsenruijter, R. (2017). Urban Commons of Culture: Collective Action and the Cultural Industries. Web publication or website http://www.culturecommons.org/
Kloosterman, R. C. (2015). Het geval Kraftwerk: lokale innovatie en mondiale effecten. Den Uytvreter, 6(4), 14-15. [details]
Kloosterman, R. C. (2014). [Review of: A.J. Scott (2012) A world in emergence: cities and regions in the 21st century]. Economic Geography, 90(2), 237-239. https://doi.org/10.1111/ecge.12052[details]
Kloosterman, R. C. (2012). [Review of: X. Ren (2011) Building globalization: transnational architecture production in urban China]. Urban Studies, 49(15), 3471-3473. [details]
Kloosterman, R. C. (2011). [Review of: A.S. Rausch (2010) Cultural commodities in Japanese rural revitalization: Tsugaru Nuri Lacquerware and Tsugaru Shamisen]. Journal of Cultural Economics, 35(1), 77-80. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10824-010-9132-0[details]
Deinema, M., & Kloosterman, R. (2009). De stad en de kunst van het verdienen: culturele industrieën in twintigste-eeuws Nederland. In L. Lucassen, & W. Willems (Eds.), Waarom mensen in de stad willen wonen, 1200-2010 (pp. 200-228, 284-286). Bert Bakker. [details]
Kloosterman, R. (2009). Broedmachine van de creatieve klasse. Rooilijn, 42(4), 278-283. [details]
Kloosterman, R. (2009). New urbanity in the old city: lessons from Amsterdam. In Työ- ja elinkeinoministeriön julkaisuja Alueiden kehittäminen (Ed.), Kaupungit kurkottavat 2010-luvulle: näkymiä ja haasteita uudistuvalle Kaupunkipolitiikalle (pp. 59-72). Työ- ja elinkeinoministeriön. http://www.tem.fi/files/24069/TEM12_09.pdf[details]
Kloosterman, R. (2008). Des murs et des ponts: Échanges de savoir dans l'architecture « Superdutch ». In F. Leriche, S. Daviet, M. Sibertin-Blanc, & J-M. Zuliani (Eds.), L'économie culturelle et ses territoires (pp. 231-242). (Villes & territoires; No. 19). Presses universitaires du Mirail. [details]
Kloosterman, R. C., Lavanga, M., Stegmeijer, E. S., & Haijen, J. R. (2008). Cultuur als hefboom voor de locale economie: de cases Milaan, Berlijn, Manchester, Birmingham, Helsinki en Lille. In J. Saris, S. van Dommelen, & T. Metze (Eds.), Nieuwe ideeën voor oude gebouwen: creatieve economie en stedelijke herontwikkeling (pp. 64-65). NAi Publishers. [details]
Kloosterman, R. C. (2016). Klant tevree, winkelier tevree, waarom college niet? Leidsch Dagblad.
Kloosterman, R. C. (2016). The dangers of a tamed city. In V. Mamadouh, & A. van Wageningen (Eds.), Urban Europe: Fifty Tales of the City (pp. 187-192). AUP. https://doi.org/10.26530/OAPEN_623610[details]
Kloosterman, R. C. (21-02-2018). Brief Ministerie OC&W aan Beroepsvereniging Nederlandse Interieurarchitectuur [Print] Ministerie van Onderwijs, Cultuur en Wetenschap. Brief Ministerie OC&W met verwijzing naar rapport 'Van binnen naar buiten: Een onderzoek naar de rol van de wettelijke titelbescherming voor interieurarchitecten.'.
Kloosterman, R. C. (11-02-2017). Implication of Brexit for London as a financial centre [Radio] NPO Radio 1. Implication of Brexit for London as a financial centre (radio interview).
Kloosterman, R. C. (invited speaker) (11-11-2015). Guest speaker Workshop Entrepreneurship & Migration, IGNITE! Conference Doing Business in Fragile States (organised by SPARK), Amsterdam.
Kloosterman, R. C. (invited speaker) (9-4-2013). Performing on the Global Stage; Exploring the relationship between finance and arts in global cities, Invited lecture for Special Sessions in Honor of Allen J. Scott, Los Angeles.
Kloosterman, R. C. (participant) & Heebels, B. (participant) (20-8-2015). Global conference on Economic Geography, Oxford. Session organizer of session Craft in creative industries (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
Kloosterman, R. C. (participant) (20-5-2015). organized for European Commission, Directorate-General for Research & Innovation, Directorate C - International cooperation, Brussels. Meeting support scheme for non-EU entrepreneurial innovators (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
Krishnan, S. (2017). Services-driven growth and India’s changing socio-economic fabric: Emergence of a new middle class and the contribution of Mumbai’s IT-eS industry to its formation. [Thesis, fully internal, Universiteit van Amsterdam]. [details]
Yeboah, D. A. (2017). Ghanaian entrepreneurship: First-generation Ghanaian entrepreneurs in the Netherlands. [Thesis, externally prepared, Universiteit van Amsterdam]. [details]
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