Fossati, G., & van den Oever, A. (2020). The 21st-Century Post-Cinematic Ecology of the Film Museum: Theorizing a Film Archival Practice in Transition - A Dialogue. In D. Chateau, & J. Moure (Eds.), Post-Cinema: Cinema in the Post-art Era (pp. 129-141). (The Key Debates: Mutations and Appropriations in European Film Studies). Amsterdam University Press.[details]
Masson, E., Olesen, C. G., van Noord, N., & Fossati, G. (2020). Exploring Digitised Moving Image Collections: The SEMIA Project, Visual Analysis and the Turn to Abstraction. Digital Humanities Quarterly, 14(4).[details]
Fossati, G. (2019). Del grano al píxel: Cine y archivios en transición. Imago Mundi. [details]
Fossati, G. (2018). From Grain to Pixel: The Archival Life of Film in Transition. (3rd ed.) (Framing Film). Amsterdam University Press. [details]
Fossati, G., Jackson, V., Lameris, B., Rongen-Kaynakçi, E., Street, S., & Yumibe, J. (Eds.) (2018). The Colour Fantastic: Chromatic Worlds of Silent Cinema. (Framing Film). Amsterdam University Press.[details]
Verstraten, P., & Fossati, G. (2018). Between Nostalgia and Utopia: A Conversation on the Legibility of Film Archives. In P. Hesselberth, J. Houwen, E. Peeren, & R. de Vos (Eds.), Legibility in the Age of Signs and Machines (pp. 199-211). (Thamyris/Intersecting: Place, Sex and Race). Brill Rodopi.[details]
Fossati, G., & van den Oever, A. (2016). Introduction: Exposing the Film Apparatus. In G. Fossati, & A. van den Oever (Eds.), Exposing the Film Apparatus: The Film Archive as a Research laboratory (pp. 13-42; 356-374). (Framing Film). Amsterdam University Press. [details]
Olesen, C. G., Masson, E., van Gorp, J., Fossati, G., & Noordegraaf, J. (2016). Data-Driven Research for Film History: Exploring the Jean Desmet Collection. The moving image, 16(1), 82-105.[details]
Fossati, G. (2015). The Archival Life of Early Color Films: Restoration and Presentation. In T. Gunning, J. Yumibe, G. Fossati, & J. Rosen (Eds.), Fantasia of Color in Early Cinema (pp. 41-54). (Framing Film). Amsterdam University Press. [details]
Gunning, T., Yumibe, J., Fossati, G., & Rosen, J. (Eds.) (2015). Fantasia of Color in Early Cinema. Amsterdam University Press. [details]
Fossati, G. (2013). Obsolescence and Film Restoration: The case of Colored Silent Films. Techné, 37, 103-106. [details]
Fossati, G. (2012). Multiple Originals: the (Digital) Restoration and Exhibition of Early Films. In A. Gaudreault, N. Dulac, & S. Hidalgo (Eds.), A Companion to Early Cinema (pp. 550-567). Wiley-Blackwell.[details]
Fossati, G. (2021). For a global approach to audiovisual heritage: A plea for North/South exchange in research and practice. NECSUS, 10(2), 127-133. Advance online publication.[details]
Fossati, G., Bloemheuvel, M., & Guldemond, J. (Eds.) (2012). Found Footage: Cinema Exposed. Amsterdam University Press.
Fossati, G. (2023). Bits and Pieces. A Visionary New Approach to Film Fragments, Archival Re-Use, and Film Archival Practice. Found Footage Magazine, (9).
Fossati, G. (2013). The Restoration of Beyond the Rocks. In K. Parth, O. Hanley, & T. Ballhausen (Eds.), Work/s in Progress: Digital Film Restoration Within Archives (pp. 111-120). Synema. [details]
Fossati, G., Masson, E. L., & Olesen, C. G. (2019). The Sensory Moving Image Archive Project. Paper presented at Association of the Moving Image Archivists (AMIA) Conference, Portland, United States.
Fossati, G., & Gant, A. (2018). Restoring the Dutch and British Mutoscope and Biograph 68mm Collections (1897-1902). Paper presented at Association of Moving Image Archivists (AMIA) Conference, Portland, Oregon, United States.
Masson, E. L., Fossati, G., & Olesen, C. G. (2018). Visual Analysis as a Means of Tactical Subversion in the Exploration of Digitized Moving Image Collections. Paper presented at Media tactics and engagements. , Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Olesen, C. G., Masson, E. L., & Fossati, G. (2018). Feature Extraction in the Sensory Moving Image Archive (SEMIA) project. Paper presented at Digital Humanities Benelux Conference 2018, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Noordegraaf, J. J., Woodfin, L., Olesen, C. G., Masson, E. L., Fossati, G., & van Gorp, J. (2017). Mapping Desmet: Testing a New Cinema History Tool on Film Distribution in the Netherlands and Belgium, 1914-1918. Paper presented at HoMER conference Circuits of Cinema: Histories of Movie & Media Distribution. , Toronto, Canada.
Olesen, C. G., & Fossati, G. (2017). The Sensory Moving Image Archive (SEMIA) Boosting Creative Reuse for Artistic Practice and Research. Paper presented at NWO Smart Culture Conference "Exploring Integrated Arts & Culture Research", Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Olesen, C. G., van Gorp, J., Masson, E. L., Noordegraaf, J. J., & Fossati, G. (2016). A New Cinema History Research Tool: The Case of Mapping Desmet. Paper presented at Creativity & the City, 1600-2000, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Masson, E. L., Olesen, C. G., Noordegraaf, J. J., van Gorp, J., & Fossati, G. (2015). Reconstructing Colour Palettes in Early Dutch Film Distribution: The Case of Eye’s Jean Desmet Collection: The Case of EYE’s Jean Desmet Collection. Paper presented at What is Cinema History? A HOMER Network Conference, University of Glasgow, Glasgow.
Olesen, C. G., Masson, E. L., van Gorp, J., Fossati, G., & Noordegraaf, J. J. (2014). Digital Tools for Archives: Linking Eye's Jean Desmet Collection. Paper presented at FIAT/IFTA World Conference, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Olesen, C. G., van Gorp, J., Fossati, G., & Noordegraaf, J. J. (2014). Emerging Cinema/Emerging Methods: Developing a Tool for Eye's Jean Desmet Collection. Paper presented at Digital Humanities 2014.
Plutino, A. & Fossati, G. (2023). DREAM-Film: Democratising Research and Restoration of Audiovisual Media and Film. Practices and methods to improve the accessibility to restoration and promote competency exchange.
Fossati, G. (2020). Member of the Advisory Board of Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Digital History (Vienna), Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Digital History.
Fossati, G. (2017-2023). member of the Scientific Advisory Council, Koninklijk Nederlands Instituut te Rome.
Fossati, G. (28-10-2022). Mostra Conversa | Giovanna Fossati (Eye Filmmuseum) [Web]. Mostra Conversa | Giovanna Fossati (Eye Filmmuseum).
Fossati, G. (31-03-2016). ilmhistorie is geen zaak van uitvinders en visionairs [Print] De Filmkrant. Filmhistorie is geen zaak van uitvinders en visionairs (interview).
Fossati, G. (10-03-2016). Es ist meine Ambition, das filmische Erbe sichtbar zu machen [Print] Die Wochenzeitung. Es ist meine Ambition, das filmische Erbe sichtbar zu machen (interview).
Fossati, G. (01-01-2016). Interview with Giovanna Fossati [Print] Feminist Media Histories, Vol. 2 No. 1, Winter 2016; (pp. 108-119). Interview with Giovanna Fossati, EYE Film Institute.
Fossati, G. (31-12-2014). De analoge film in een digitale storm: Interview door Aron Brouwer [Print] Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen, UvA, Nieuwsbrief Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen. De analoge film in een digitale storm: Interview door Aron Brouwer.
Fossati, G. (28-03-2014). Dit werk geeft historische context. Orphan Film Symposium: aandacht voor verweesde film [Print] Volkskrant. Dit werk geeft historische context. Orphan Film Symposium: aandacht voor verweesde film.
Fossati, G. (speaker) (24-11-2022). Colours in Silent Cinema. Techniques, Practices and Restoration Approaches – invited lecture, Seminar in the framework of the ERC Project CHROMOTOPE , Paris.
Fossati, G. (speaker) (8-9-2022). Digital Curation in Practice – keynote lecture, Summer School “Digital Archives. Data Literacy and Presentation Strategies in Audiovisual Archives”, Babelsberg.
Fossati, G. (speaker) (6-6-2022). Musei del cinema e nuovi media – invited lecture, Museologia e Archivi del Cinema, Torino.
Fossati, G. (speaker) (28-10-2021). Colors que meravellen. Sessió de films dels orígens acolorits procedents del fons de l’Eye Film Institute – invited lecture, Filmoteca de Catalunya, Barcelona.
Fossati, G. (speaker) (28-9-2021). Transnational Cooperation and Decolonial Strategies in Film Culture Institutions - panel discussion, After the Archive Symposium, Berlin.
Fossati, G. (speaker) (2021). Masterclass: Global Audiovisual Archiving - round table, EYE Filmmuseum.
Fossati, G. (speaker) (2021). Innovation in Film Archiving: Restoration, Digitization, Research and Access - online lecture, EYE Filmmuseum.
Fossati, G. (speaker) (20-12-2019). Il patrimonio cinematografico dopo la svolta digitale: nuovi indirizzi di ricerca e nuove pratiche da sperimentare [Film Heritage After the Digital Turn: New Research Directions and New Experimental Practices] – public lecture, Universita' degli Studi di Udine, Udine, Italy.
Fossati, G. (speaker) (19-12-2019). Accesso e riutilizzo dei film d’archivio non-theatrical [Access and Re-Use of Non-Theatrical Archival Films] – keynote lecture, Non-theatrical film e non-broadcast video: etiche e politiche di conservazione e trasmissione, Udine.
Fossati, G. (speaker) (22-11-2019). Cineteca Nazionale e Eye Filmmuseum: progetti di restauro in collaborazione [Cineteca Nazionale and Eye Filmmuseum: Collaborative Restoration Projects] - invited lecture, Cineteca Nazionale.
Fossati, G. (speaker) & Olesen, C. (speaker) (6-11-2019). The Sensory Moving Image Archive, NWO Smart Culture Conference, Leiden.
Fossati, G. (speaker) (25-10-2019). Fantasia of Color in Early Cinema and the Resolution of 68mm Mutoscope & Biograph Films - Invited lecture, The Attraction of the Moving Image: A Celebration of Tom Gunning, Chicago.
Fossati, G. (speaker) (20-6-2019). Bits and Pieces. The Fascination with Film Fragments between Theoretical Reflection and Practice - key note lecture, From Waste to Asset. Making sense of Italian Film and Television Production in the Digital Era, Bologna.
Fossati, G. (speaker) & Gant, A. (speaker) (25-5-2019). 68mm Mutoscope and Biograph Collection (1897-1902), 5th Eye International Conference / 10th Women and the Silent Screen Conference: Sisters.
Fossati, G. (speaker) (11-6-2017). What is Film Heritage Today? Reflections and Practices Beyond the Digital Turn - keynote, Balkan Cinema on the Crossroads: From Nitrate to Digital, Belgrade.
Fossati, G. (speaker) (23-3-2017). De-materialized Evidence: Film Archival Holdings and the Transition to Digital Technology - workshop, Society of Cinema and Media Studies, Chicago.
Fossati, G. (speaker) (26-6-2016). Early Color Films in the Film Archive, REMI: Handmade Emulsion Primitive Colour Symposium, Rotterdam.
Fossati, G. (speaker) (23-6-2016). Q&A with Giovanna Fossati moderated by Peter Verstraten, European Summer School for Cultural Studies.
Fossati, G. (speaker) (11-10-2014). Repatriating Film Heritage. Building a World-Wide Film Collection, Association of Moving Image Archivists (AMIA) Conference, Savannah (GA), USA, October 8-11, 2014, Savannah (GA), USA.
Fossati, G. (invited speaker) (5-6-2014). Theorizing Film Archiving in the Digital Turn., DIASTOR Conference, University of Zurich, Zurich.
Fossati, G. (invited speaker) (10-4-2014). The Color Fantastic and the Appreciation of the Single Film Frame, XII MAGIS – International Film Studies Spring School, University of Udine, Gorizia.
Fossati, G. (speaker) (31-3-2014). Restoring the Colors of Early Cinema, 9th Orphan Film Symposium, EYE, New York University and University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam.
Fossati, G. (invited speaker) (30-3-2014). Why The Future of Obsolescence?, 9th Orphan Film Symposium, EYE, New York University and University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam.
Fossati, G. (invited speaker) (17-8-2013). Alternative Archival Practices, Visible Evidence XX - International Conference on Documentary Film and Media, Stockholm University and Swedish Film Institute, Stockholm, SE, 15-18 August, 2013, Stockholm.
Fossati, G. (member of programme committee) (12-7-2024 - 14-7-2024). 2nd Global Audiovisual Archiving (GAVA) Conference (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
Olesen, C. (member of programme committee), Saccone, K. (member of programme committee) & Fossati, G. (chair) (26-5-2024 - 29-5-2024). 9th Eye International Conference 2024, Amsterdam. 9th Eye International Conference 2024: Presenting Audiovisual Collections - Experiments and Explorations (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
Fossati, G. (organiser) (4-6-2023 - 7-6-2023). 8th Eye International Conference, Amsterdam (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
Fossati, G. (organiser) (28-5-2022 - 31-5-2022). 7th Eye International Conference - Global Audiovisual Archiving: Exchange of Knowledge and PracticesAmsterdam and online, May 28-31, 2022., Amsterdam. Conference co-organized by Eye Filmmuseum, Association of Moving Image Archivists (AMIA), University of Amsterdam, and the Amsterdam School for (…) (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
Fossati, G. (examiner) (30-6-2021). Doctoral Committee (examination).
Fossati, G. (visiting lecturer) (12-4-2021 - 15-4-2021). Elías Querejeta Zine Eskola (visiting an external institution).
Fossati, G. (member of programme committee) (2021). Colour Photography and Film. Sharing Knowledge of Analysis, Preservation, Conservation, Migration of Analogue and Digital Materials Conference (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
Fossati, G. (member of programme committee) (5-2020). 6th Eye International Conference (online event) (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
Fossati, G. (organiser) (3-2019 - 5-2019). This is Film! Film Heritage in Practice, Amsterdam. Series of Public Lecture and Screening (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
Fossati, G. (organiser), Masson, E. (organiser) & Olesen, C. (organiser) (25-2-2019 - 26-2-2019). The Sensory Moving Image Archives Symposium, Amsterdam (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
Fossati, G. (examiner) (1-6-2018 - 12-9-2018). Perfectly Boring? The Public Afterlife of Private Film (examination).
Fossati, G. (member of programme committee), Gant, A. (member of programme committee), Masson, E. (member of programme committee), Pisters, P. (member of programme committee), Smit, G. (member of programme committee) & Verbruggen, E. (member of programme committee) (26-5-2018 - 29-5-2018). 4th Eye International Conference. Activating the Archive, Amsterdam (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
Fossati, G. (organiser) (11-3-2016). Exposing the Film Apparatus, Amsterdam (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
Fossati, G. (organiser) (30-3-2014 - 2-4-2014). The 9th Orphan Film Symposium - The Future of Obsolescence, Amsterdam (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
Fossati, G. (organiser) & de Valck, M. (organiser) (30-3-2014 - 2-4-2014). Orphans Symposium 9: The Future of Obsolescene, Amsterdam. Orphans Symposium 9 (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
Masson, E. (member of programme committee), Streible, D. (member of programme committee), Fossati, G. (member of programme committee) & de Valck, M. (member of programme committee) (30-3-2014 - 2-4-2014). The 9th Orphan Film Symposium - The Future of Obsolescence, Amsterdam (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
Mohsenin, M. (2022). The archives must go on: An archaeology of digital image technologies within European national film archives (1990-2020). [Thesis, externally prepared, Université de Lausanne, Universiteit van Amsterdam]. [details]
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