.. is a branch of science that is engaged with the study of the effects that electromagnetic radiation (mostly in the ultraviolet and visible range) has on molecular materials. A few of the hot research topics in this field, with potential applications in materials and life science are (organic) solar cells, luminescence based medical diagnostics, and light sources based on electrochemiluminescence. The scientific background of the Molecular Photonics research team comprises molecular spectroscopy and photochemistry in a broad sense, and our research contributes to the development of these traditional fields. A great challenge is to explore the possibilities to conceive and develop new molecule-based devices in the context of nanotechnology (nanophotonics, plasmonics, biomolecular photonics, molecular machines), and catalysis.
Currently, the main specific areas of interest in my group are:
The research tools used comprise:
Student projects are available in all these areas. The nature of the research work can vary from mainly organic synthesis to purely spectroscopic studies, possibly mixed with molecular computations, all depending on the student's interest!
We are organizing the 28th IUPAC Symposium on Photochemistry in Amsterdam, July 17 - 22, 2022, preceded by the 6th EPA/HRSCM Advanced Summer School on Photochemistry, July 14-17, 2022 in Noordwijk.
Other members of the Molecular Photonics team may have vacancies, see links below.
The SynNanoMotor consortium was awarded one of the three Descartes Prizes for Excellence in Science of the European Commission on March 12, 2008. Prof. Wybren Jan Buma was present at the ceremony to receive the prize on behalf of our HIMS Molecular Photonics team. We are very pleased with the appreciation of our work on molecular motors!
Since December 1, 2006, I held the special chair "Molecular Spectroscopy", supported by the John van Geuns Foundation. More information on the activities of the John van Geuns Foundation is available via the link at the top of the page.
De tekst en de vertoonde slides van mijn oratie op 18 april 2008:
It is our pleasure to announce the 6th Photochemistry Summer School 2020, an advanced course covering fundamentals and applications of photochemistry. This School will be from July 9-12, 2020 in Noordwijkerhout (The Netherlands) and is organized by the Holland Research School of Molecular Chemistry under the auspices of the European Photochemistry Association (EPA). This post-graduate school is intended for PhD students and other interested scientists who are active in the field of photochemistry in the broadest sense, or make use of photochemical or photophysical methods in their research work.
Organizing committee
Dr. Sylvestre Bonnet (Leiden University) (chair)
Prof. Fred Brouwer (University of Amsterdam)
Dr. Elizabeth von Hauff (Free University)
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