PhD, 2019
Metals conservation programme at the Nationaal Hoger Instituut voor Schone Kunsten Antwerp, Belgium, 1992-1995, with distinction
MTS course in Goldsmithing, Silversmithing, Gemmology & Jewellery at the Vakschool Schoonhoven in Schoonhoven, Netherlands, 1987-1992
Tonny Beentjes, docent Metal conservation, specialises in the conservation of historic metal objects. Main research interest focuses on historical manufacturing techniques of post medieval metal objects with particular attention to contemporary tools and written sources. In February 2019, he defended successfully his PhD research into the casting technology of Rodin bronzes.
Restauratoren Nederland
Antique Metalware Society
Samuel H. Kress Paired Fellow, Center for Advanced Study in the Visual Arts, National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C., co-grantee Pamela H. Smith, Professor of History, Columbia University, New York, 2007-08
Fellow Gemmological Association of Great Britain , Fellow, 1990-1996
Jan. 2007 - present
Head of Metal Conservation Programme at the University of Amsterdam (UvA).
Sept. 2006 - 2009
Head of Metal Conservation Programme Netherlands Institute for Cultural Heritage (ICN).
Sept. 1996 - 2006
Head of Conservation/Restoration of Fine Metalwork programme, West Dean College, England.
Sixteenth Century Life-casting Techniques, a reconstruction , in The Renaissance Workshop: The Materials and Techniques of Renaissance Art, Archetype Publications in association with the British Museum London. (forthcoming) with co-author Pamela H. Smith
An innovative treatment of a severely damaged bronze, the Thinker by Rodin, Lasers in the Conservation of Artworks (LACONA IX) British Museum London ( forthcoming) with co-author Rozemarijn Van der Molen.
Davidowitz, T., van der Molen, R., Beentjes, T., Recreating Patina: The Filling and Retouching of Rodin's The Thinker , SRAL Conference. (forthcoming)
Davidowitz, T., Tonny Beentjes, Joosje van Bennekom and Sara Creange, Identifying 16th-century paints on silver using a contemporary manuscript, In The Artist's Process: Technology and Interpretation, Sigrid Eyb Green, Joyce H. Townsend (eds) Archetype Books London , p.72-78.
De restauratie van Rodins Denker. In De Denker, exhibition catalogue, Laren, p.50-65 with co-authors Rozemarijn van der Molen & Arjan de Koomen.
Smith, Pamela H., & Tonny Beentjes, Nature and Art, Making and Knowing: Reconstructing Sixteenth Century Life Casting Techniques , Renaissance Quarterly, spring issue 63, pp.128-179.
'The Treatment of the Damaged Bronze of Rodin's the Thinker from the Singer Museum in Laren, the Netherlands: an Innovative Approach.' , in METAL 2010, Proceedings of the Interim Meeting of the ICOM-CC Metal Working Group, Charleston, South Carolina 2010, ed. P. Mardikian, C. Chemello, C. Watters & P. Hull, Clemson University, p. 269-277 with co-authors Tamar Davidowitz & Rozemarijn van Molen.
Van der Molen, Rozemarijn, Ineke Joosten, Tonny Beentjes, & Luc Megens, Dry ice blasting for the conservation cleaning of metals. in METAL 2010, Proceedings of the Interim Meeting of theICOM-CC Metal Working Group, Charleston, South Carolina 2010, ed. P. Mardikian, C. Chemello, C. Watters &P. Hull, Clemson University, p. 269-277.
"Moyen de faire le gect pour petite lezardes" (hoe men kleine hagedissen giet). Een reconstructie aan de hand van een zestiende-eeuws manuscript, De Stavelij, jaarboek 2009, pp.15-18.
An introduction into silver plating in eighteenth century Europe , Preprints Metal 07 ICOM-CC Meeting, Amsterdam
French Plating , Journal of the Antique Metalware Society , Vol. 13, June 2005, pp. 10-16. with co-author Mark Erdmann
All metalwork related entries in Materials & Techniques in the Decorative Arts , Lucy Trench (editor), London : John Murray, 2000.
March 2012
presentation: Gieten naar het leven: reconstructie van een bijzondere 16de eeuwse techniek . Tripartite lecture Ateliergebouw Amsterdam
Nov. 2011
organised Masterclass technical art history (RMA, UvA, RCE) 'Historical silver plating, art history, technology, science and conservation'
Oct. 2011
presentation: Sixteenth-century life-casting techniques, a reconstruction. OSK sectiedag Amersfoort
Sept. 2011
Presenting paper: An innovative treatment of a severely damaged bronze, the Thinker by Rodin . Lasers in the Conservation of Artworks (LACONA IX) British Museum London
May 2011
presentation: Covering the treatment of The Thinker: new techniques and insights in Rodin's bronze casts , Symposium restoring the Thinker, Singer Museum Laren
March 2011
presentation: De restauratie van de beschadigde bronzen Denker van Rodin uit het Singer museum, Laren. RapidPro, Veldhoven
Oct 2010
Presenting paper: The Treatment of the Damaged Bronze of Rodin's the Thinker from the Singer Museum in Laren, the Netherlands: an Innovative Approach. Metal10 ICOM-CC, Charleston.
May 2010
presentation: De gietmodellen uit het archief van Esser . Colloquium: Ontsluiting, digitalisering en conservering van archieven van zilverateliers en bedrijven. Zilver Museum Sterckshof, Antwerp
Sept. 2009 -2010
Restoration of heavily damaged bronze sculpture of the Thinker by Rodin from the Singer Museum Laren , Netherlands .
April 2008
Teaching one day workshop on 16th century life casting technology at Pomona University, California.
April 2007
One day workshop on the conservation/restoration of the metal components of bows as part of the West Dean College Easter course on the making and restoration of early musical instruments.
Sept. 2005
Organised a one-day conference for the Antique Metalware Society at West Dean College .
Sept. 2003/'04
Co-organiser of the West Dean-ICN-Winterthur Summer School 'Conservator meets its maker'.
May 2003
Lecturing and giving practical instruction on patination, as part of the British Antique Furniture Restorers Association study day on metalware in furniture.
Oct. 2002
Organised a one-day conference for the Antique Metalware Society at West Dean College .
March 2002
Lecturing on the conservation of antique metalware for the Antique Metalware Society in Chipping Norton.
Lecturing on laser cleaning of arms and armour at conference on the conservation of arms and armour at the Wallace Collection, London .
Lecturing to professional conservators on art handling and the conservation of carriages, aeroplanes and architectural metalwork.
Organised a weekend seminar on the conservation of scientific instruments at West Dean College .
Organised a Metal Conservation Forum at West Dean College .
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