Completing your doctoral programme (the final six months) requires adequate preparation. The roadmap in the Doctorate Regulations 2020 will keep you on track so that you don't fall behind in the final phase of your doctoral programme.
As soon as the completion of your thesis is in prospect (around six months before the intended doctoral conferral date), your supervisor must submit a Proposal for composition of the doctorate committee. As soon as the doctorate committee has been officially appointed, you will receive notification from the Doctorate Board.
N.B. Please note, you will need the latest version of Adobe Reader (Adobe XI) to fill in the forms.
Once you have received notification of the appointment of the doctorate committee, a provisional doctoral conferral date can be set. In the email regarding the appointment, you will find a link to the online calendar and an explanation about how to reserve a date. If you haven’t received the link in this email, please contact the Office of the Beadle.
When booking your provisional date you are asked to fill in the title of your thesis. With the confirmation of this reservation you will receive the title page as it has to be incorporated in the thesis.
You will have to prepare the final, identical paper and electronic versions of your manuscript and have them approved by your supervisor(s) and co-supervisor(s). Once their approval has been obtained, changes can no longer be made to the manuscript.
No later than 14 weeks before the provisional doctoral conferral date (as specified by the Office of the Beadle), the final manuscript approved by the supervisor(s) and any co-supervisor(s) will be submitted to the doctorate committee. At the same time, the supervisor will send the electronic version of the manuscript to the dean for a plagiarism check.
The members of the doctorate committee will assess the manuscript and will notify the supervisor(s) and the dean of their decision no later than eight weeks before the doctoral conferral date using the Doctoral thesis assessment and admission to the PhD defence ceremony form. It is expressly not the intention here to propose amendments or additions to the thesis.
Once it has been established that no plagiarism is involved and the doctorate committee's assessment of the thesis has been found to be positive, the doctoral candidate will be admitted to defend his/her thesis and will be permitted to reproduce (print or photocopy) it.
The dean will send the electronic version of the thesis to the University Library (UB). As soon as the doctoral candidate has submitted the licence agreement (no later than four weeks before the doctoral conferral date), the University Library will publish the thesis via the Digital Academic Repository (DARE).
Three copies of the reproduced (printed or photocopied) thesis must be submitted to the Office of the Beadle no later than four weeks before the doctoral conferral date.
To prepare for the ceremony, you can attend a so-called beadle class. In this class, the procedure will be explained, and you can ask questions.
Beadle classes take place online (via Zoom) every Monday at 12 PM ( You do not have to sign up for this, you can just join. Please note: the beadle classes do not take place on national holidays.
You can find documents with the information of the beadle class here. You can also view the beadle class video.