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Have a question or need additional information? The person to contact will depend on the nature of your query.

Faculty, graduate school, research institute

Refer to the contact person of your faculty, graduate school or research institute for queries relating to:

  • the submission of a request for admission to the doctoral programme
  • the submission of a proposal for composition of the doctorate committee
  • for other specific queries relating to your doctorate

Doctorate Board

Contact the Doctorate Board for questions about:

  • the step-by-step instructions for the Doctorate Regulations
  • exemption from the legal educational requirements ( for all faculties excepting AMC-UvA)
  • your current request for exemption from the educational requirement

Please note: PhD candidates at AMC-UvA must direct any questions about submitting a request for exemption from the legal educational requirement to the faculty contact person, not to the Doctorate Board.


Contact the Doctorate Board using the email and telephone number below for queries relating to:

  • the Doctorate Regulations in general
  • ius promovendi (the legal right to present candidates for the conferral of a doctorate)


For information on joint doctorates in general contact

Office of the Beadle

Queries relating to the procedure from the appointment of the Doctorate Committee onwards should be directed to the Office of the Beadle. These may include:

  • booking a doctoral conferral date
  • the 3 copies of your thesis
  • the doctoral defence ceremony
  • the doctoral defence ceremony class

Visiting address

Office of the Beadle
Handboogstraat 6
1012 XM Amsterdam
T: +31 (0)20 525 2808 (office hours: 10:00 - 12:00 on Monday, Wednesday and Friday)

Adjusted opening hours 

Monday July 15th to Friday August 23rd:

  • By phone only upon request via email.
  • Office open: Tuesday and Thursday from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM.

Starting Monday August 26th: back to regular opening hours.

Postal address

Universiteit van Amsterdam, attn. Office of the Beadle
Spui 21
1012 WX Amsterdam

University Library

Contact the University Library for queries relating to:

University Library
T: +31 (0)20 525 2368