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Dr. S. (Sebastian) De Haro Ollé

Faculty of Science
Area of expertise: Philosophy of Science, Philosophy of Physics, Philosophy of Technology, Theoretical Physics, Mathematical Physics
Photographer: Sander Nieuwenhuys

Visiting address
  • Science Park 107
  • Room number: F1.42
Postal address
  • Postbus 94242
    1090 GE Amsterdam
Contact details
  • Profile

    Sebastian De Haro

    Assistant Professor (Universitair Docent) in Philosophy of Science at the Institute for Logic, Language and Computation and the Institute of Physics of the University of Amsterdam. I am also a Senior Researcher in the Quantum for Society and Business research line at QuSoft, and a member of the Vossius Center for the History of Humanities and Sciences

    In the summer of 2025, I will be a Visiting Scholar at St John's College, Oxford.

    Main Areas of Research

    Philosophy of Physics. I work on the philosophy of spacetime theories, the philosophy of quantum field theory, and the philosophy of quantum gravity, particularly string theory. My interests include dualities in all areas of physics (from quantum mechanics, electrodynamics, condensed matter theory, and statistical mechanics, to quantum field theory and string theory), symmetries, emergence of spacetime, and recent applications of algebraic methods to black holes and quantum cosmology.

    Together with Jeremy Butterfield, I have developed a view that we call the Schema for dualities, and we have discussed how dualities bear on more general topics in the philosophy of science. Based on the generalisation of a duality that I call a quasi-duality, I am currently developing a geometric view of physical theories.

    Philosophy of Science and Philosophy of Technology. I work on theoretical equivalence, theories and models, emergence and reduction, fundamentality, scientific and technological understanding, heuristics and the philosophy of scientific change, scientific realism, the relationship between science and philosophy, and the societal impact of quantum technology. 

    Theoretical and Mathematical Physics. I have worked on the holographic principle and AdS-CFT, supergravity, topological quantum field theory and black holes. Together with Kostas Skenderis and Sergey Solodukhin, we developed a method called holographic renormalization.

    For my full list of publications, see my Google scholar profile.

    Short Bio

    I did my PhD in History and Philosophy of Science under Jeremy Butterfield at the University of Cambridge, as the Tarner student in Philosophy of Science and History of Ideas (2015-2020) at Trinity College, Cambridge

    I did my PhD in theoretical physics under Gerard 't Hooft (Nobel Prize in Physics 1999) at Utrecht University in 2001. After that, I was a postdoc in theoretical and mathematical physics at the University of California, Los Angeles (2001-2003), the Max-Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics, Potsdam (2003-2006), and King's College, London (2006-2008). Before joining the Faculty of Science, I was a lecturer at the Amsterdam University College, University of Amsterdam (2009-2020).

    During the winter of 2018-2019, I was a visiting fellow in philosophy at the Black Hole Initiative, Harvard University, through invitation by Peter Galison.

  • News, Events and Outreach

    Latest News in the Research Team:

    Ucoming and Recently Organised Events:

    Upcoming and Recent Outreach Events:

    • Join us on 11 April 2025 at Fysica 2025 for the session on the History and Foundations of Physics: Quantum-safe cryptography and the societal relevance of foundational thinking.
    • Atlantic Assembly -- Past, Present and Future, Jonge Atlantici, Atlantische Commissie, the Hague, April 2024. Session on Quantum Computing.
    • Changing Views on Space, Time and Spacetime, Amsterdam Philosophy Festival Drift, May 2017.
  • Research Group and Collaborators

    Research Group:

    Larger History and Philosophy of Physics/Epistemology and Philosophy of Science group: Jeroen van Dongen, Sonja Smets.

    Collaborators in Research Projects:

    • Jeremy ButterfieldThe Philosophy and Physics of Duality (NWO Open Access). Trinity College, Cambridge.
    • Mark Golden, Is there Space and Time for Experimental Philosophy? (NWO-NWA). Institute of Physics, University of Amsterdam.
    • Christian Schaffner, Quantum Impact on Societal Security (NWO-NWA). Informatics Institute, University of Amsterdam.
    • Joris van Hoboken, Quantum Impact on Societal Security (NWO-NWA). Institute for Information Law, University of Amsterdam.
    • Robert van Rooij, Moral Smart Cities: towards an inclusive strategy for techno-moral decisionmaking by decentralized governments (NWO Raak-Pro). Institute for Logic, Language and Computation, University of Amsterdam.
    • Erik Verlinde, Emergence At All Scales (NWO-NWA ORC). Institute of Physics, University of Amsterdam.

    Research Collaborations:

    • Silvester Borsboom, Radboud University Nijmegen. Topic: Gauge Symmetry Breaking.
    • Henk de Regt, Radboud University Nijmegen. Topic: Scientific Understanding in Theoretical Physics.
    • Huub Dijstelbloem, Institute for Advanced Study, University of Amsterdam. Topic: Science and Public Methodology.
    • Lisa Dondorp, Master of Logic, Unversity of Amsterdam. Topic: Extensional Scientific Realism.
    • Umut Gursoy, Utrecht University. Topic: Holographic Strange Metals
    • Henk Stoof, Utrecht University. Topic: Holographic Strange Metals
  • Projects

    Philosophy of Physics:

    As Project Leader or Principal Investigator:

    • The Philosophy and Physics of Duality, NWO Open Access book grant, 2024-2025. The Philosophy and Physics of Duality discusses what dualities are and the philosophical questions that they raise. This book also examines the main examples of duality-from quantum mechanics and electrodynamics to statistical mechanics, quantum field theory, and string theory.
    • Is there Space and Time for Experimental Philosophy? NWO, NWA-route 2, 2023-2024. Grant obtained together with Mark Golden. This project aims to build bridges between experimental quantum physics and philosophy. 

    As co-PI of a Large Consortium:

    • Emergence At All Scales, NWO, NWA-ORC. Consortium led by Jay Armas, Institute of Physics, University of Amsterdam. The consortium investigates the phenomenon of emergence – the process whereby complex phenomena arise out of simple building blocks – on a vast range of scales, spanning no less than sixty orders of magnitude.

    Philosophy of Science and Technology and Technology for Society:

    As Project Leader or Principal Investigator:

    • Shaping interfaces between science and the public, Research Priority Area, University of Amsterdam, 2025-2029. This Research Priority Area aims to establish a Public Methodology Centre to strengthen the relationship between science, citizen science, social debate and various professional practices. The RPA is a collaboration between five faculties: Humanities, Law, Science, Social and Behavioural Sciences, and the Amsterdam UMC.
    • Quantum Impact on Societal Security, NWO, NWA-routes 18 and 16, 2023-2028. As the potential risks and consequences of cybersecurity breaches by future quantum computers are devastating, there is an urgent need to prepare for a transition to quantum-safe cryptography. Addressing the many complexities of this transition requires a multidisciplinary collaboration of scientists, financial and governmental institutions, and civil society groups. Quantum Impact on Societal Security has four scientific aims: First, to identify technical and societal requirements on innovation policies for quantum-safe cryptography: which enables an interactive approach to responsible innovation, in real time as the technology develops. Second, to understand the dynamics of knowledge in research and innovation ecosystems. Third, to draft novel innovation policies that satisfy the societal requirements for the financial and government sectors, clarifying their legal underpinning. Fourth, to link the development of new cryptographic standards to the subsequent stakeholder dynamics and its geopolitical consequences.
    • A Responsible Quantum-Safe Cryptography Transition. Quantum Delta NL Quantum & Society, 2024-2025. The aim of this project is to enable ethicists, epistemologists and law researchers to practice upstream stakeholder engagement, in order to identify societal requirements for a responsible transition to QSC.

    As co-PI of a Large Consortium:

  • Teaching

    Recent International Summer Schools:

    Graduate Courses at the University of Amsterdam:

    • Philosophy of Science, Master Physics and Astronomy and Master of Logic.
    • Philosophy of Physics, Master Physics and Astronomy.
    • Quantum in Society, Master Quantum Computer Science.
    • Frequent guest lecturer in Henk de Regt's course History and Philosophy of Physics at Radboud University.

    Undergraduate Courses at the University of Amsterdam

    • Reflectie op wiskunde, Bachelor Wiskunde.
    • Reflectie op de digitale cultuur, Bachelor Informatiekunde.

    I supervise master's theses in the Master Physics and Astronomy, and in the Master of Logic.

    Recent Master's Thesis Awards:

  • Publications



    • De Haro, S., & Cinti, E. (2024). Cambridge Element on Dualities. Cambridge University Press.















    • De Haro, S., & Gao, P. (2007). Electric-magnetic duality and deformations of three-dimensional conformal field theories. Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology, 76(10), Article 106008.
    • De Haro, S., Papadimitriou, I., & Petkou, A. C. (2007). Conformally coupled scalars, instantons, and vacuum instability in 4D anti-de sitter space. Physical Review Letters, 98(23), Article 231601.
    • De Haro, S., Ramgoolam, S., & Torrielli, A. (2007). Large N expansion of q-deformed two-dimensional Yang-Mills theory and hecke algebras. Communications in Mathematical Physics, 273(2), 317-355.




    • De Haro, S. (2004). Chern-Simons theory in lens spaces from 2d Yang-Mills on the cylinder. Journal of High Energy Physics, 8(8), 1097-1118.
    • De Haro, S., & Tierz, M. (2004). Brownian motion, Chern-Simons theory, and 2d Yang-Mills. Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics, 601(3-4), 201-208.
    • van Dongen, J., & de Haro, S. (2004). On black hole complementarity. Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B - Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics, 35(3), 509-525.



    • De Haro, S., Skenderis, K., & Solodukhin, S. N. (2001). Gravity in warped compactifications and the holographic stress tensor. Classical and Quantum Gravity, 18(16), 3171-3180.
    • De Haro, S., Skenderis, K., & Solodukhin, S. N. (2001). Holographic reconstruction of spacetime and renormalization in the AdS/CFT correspondence. Communications in Mathematical Physics, 217(3), 595-622.


    • De Haro, S. (1998). Non-commutative black-hole algebra and string theory from gravity. Classical and Quantum Gravity, 15(3), 519-535.
    • De Haro, S. (1998). Planckian scattering and black holes. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2(10).



    • De Haro, S. (2020). On Visual Representations in Science: [Review of: N. Mößner (2018) Visual Representations in Science: Concept and Epistemology]. Grazer Philosophische Studien, 97(3), 529-538. Advance online publication. [details]



    • de Haro, S., Henke, J., & Tang, D. (2015). A. Cappelli, E. Castellani, F. Colomo and P. Di Vecchia (Eds.): The Birth of String Theory: [Review of: A. Cappelli, E. Castellani, F. Colomo, P. Di Vecchia (2012) The Birth of String Theory]. Foundations of Physics, 45(6), 657-660. Advance online publication. [details]

    Prize / grant

    • De Haro, S. (2024). A Responsible Quantum-Safe Cryptographic Transition.
    • De Haro, S. (2024). Emergence At All Scales.
    • De Haro, S. (2024). The Philosophy and Physics of Duality.
    • De Haro, S. (2023). Moral smart cities: naar een inclusieve strategie voor techno-morele besluitvorming bij decentrale overeheden.
    • De Haro, S. (2023). Grant to support PhD research in Phlosophy of Quantum Technology.
    • De Haro, S. (2022). NWA-grant for project Is there Space and Time for Experimental Philosophy?.
    • De Haro, S. (2022). NWA-grant for project Quantum Impact on Societal Security.
    • De Haro, S. (2016). Prize competition for essays on Space and Time after Quantum Gravity.
    • De Haro, S. (2015). The Tarner scholarhsip, Trinity College, Cambridge.

    Journal editor

    Talk / presentation

    • De Haro, S. (invited speaker) (2023). On Time in de Sitter and the Geometric View of Theories, Perspectives on Time and Atemporality in Cosmology and Natural Sciences, Milan.
    • De Haro, S. (invited speaker) (2023). Emergence and Reduction, Exploring Emergence, Amsterdam.
    • De Haro, S. (invited speaker) (2023). Dualities and Quasi-Dualities: on Solitons and Phases of Quantum Field Theories, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK.
    • De Haro, S. (invited speaker) (28-6-2022). Quantum Impact on Societal Security, Quantum and Society Colloqium, Amsterdam.
    • De Haro, S. (invited speaker) (22-3-2022). Quantum Impact on Societal Security, Governmental Quantum Symposium, Ministry of Justice and Security, the Hague.
    • De Haro, S. (invited speaker) (22-1-2022). Quantum Impact on Societal Security, Working Group Security, Dutch Banking Association.
    • De Haro, S. (invited speaker) (2022). Dualities between Physics and Philosophy, XXI International Summer School in Philosophy of Physics.
    • De Haro, S. (invited speaker) (18-11-2021). Visualization and Understanding in Physics, LIRa seminar, ILLC, University of Amsterdam.
    • De Haro, S. (speaker) (18-9-2021). Gauge Theories and Black Hole Entropy Countings, 1994-1996, European Philosophy of Science Association Biennial Conference.
    • De Haro, S. (invited speaker) (30-7-2021). Visualization and Understanding in Physics, Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Biology, Plön.
    • De Haro, S. (invited speaker) (7-7-2021). A Conceptual Analysis of Black Hole Entropy in String Theory, XXIV International Summer School in Philosophy of Physics, Utrbino.
    • De Haro, S. (invited speaker) (25-3-2021). Formulating Emergence in the Physical Sciences, Dutch Institute for Emergent Phenomena.
    • De Haro, S. (invited speaker) (13-11-2020). The Role of Singularities in the Search for Quantum Gravity, Warsaw Spacetime Colloquium, Warsaw.
    • De Haro, S. (invited speaker) (18-10-2019). Visualisation and Understanding in Theories with and without a Spacetime, University of Florence.
    • De Haro, S. (speaker) (12-10-2019). A Conceptual Analysis of Black Holes in String Theory, European Philosophy of Science Association Biennial Conference, Geneva.
    • De Haro, S. (invited speaker) (11-7-2019). A Conceptual Analysis of Black Hole Entropy in String Theory, 't Hooft 2019 - From Weak Force to Black Hole Thermodynamics and Beyond, Utrecht.
    • De Haro, S. (invited speaker) (25-5-2019). Conceptual Aspects of Black Holes in String Theory, New Directions in the Foundations of Physics, Viterbo.
    • De Haro, S. (invited speaker) (11-1-2019). Noether's Theorem and Gauge-Gravity Duality, Tsinghua Sanya International Mathematics Forum, Sanya.
    • De Haro, S. (invited speaker) (5-1-2019). Noether's Theorem and Gauge-Gravity Duality, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Institute for Advanced Study, Hong Kong.
    • De Haro, S. (invited speaker) (2019). A Conceptual Analysis of Black Hole Entropy in String Theory, Beyond the Standard Model: historical-critical perspectives, Florence.
    • De Haro, S. (invited speaker) (19-10-2018). Towards a Theory of Emergence in the Physical Sciences, Boston Colloquium for Philosophy of Science, Boston University, USA.


    • De Haro, S. (organiser) (2024). Understanding Science and Technology: From Fundamental Science to Technology and Society, Amsterdam (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • De Haro, S. (organiser) (24-6-2022). The Quantum, the Thermal and the Gravitational Reconciled: Physics and Philosophy in the Varied Landscape of the Intersections, Munich (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • De Haro, S. (member of programme committee) (14-9-2019). European Philosophy of Science Association Biennial Conference, Geneva (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • De Haro, S. (organiser) (13-7-2019). 't Hooft 2019 - From Weak Force to Black Hole Thermodynamics and Beyond, Utrecht (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • De Haro, S. (organiser) (11-5-2019). Emergence: Conceptual and Philosophical Aspects, Amsterdam (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • De Haro, S. (organiser) (2-11-2018). Equivalence and Duality of Physical Theories, Seattle. Symposium organiser (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • De Haro, S. (visiting researcher) (12-10-2018 - 28-2-2019). Harvard University (visiting an external institution).
    • De Haro, S. (member of programme committee) (10-7-2018). Foundations 2018 (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • De Haro, S. (organiser) (24-8-2017). Duality, Equivalence, and Emergence, Munich (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
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  • Ancillary activities
    No ancillary activities